Chapter 8

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Los Angeles, CA. 09/26/16 4:38 P.M.

It's been 2 days. 2 days since I ruined everything. I'm sitting on the couch, now, with a half empty beer bottle in my hand. Just replaying the moment over and over in my head. I never even got to say goodbye. I haven't seen him in.... forever, and then he finally came to me. What a reunion.

I haven't called him. Or texted. Neither has he. I shouldn't have said what I said. I knew how he felt about everything. I am such an idiot. All I want is to say sorry.

Without thinking, I grab my phone. I quickly dial his number, but my hand falters. What if he doesn't answer?

Well then he doesn't answer I guess.

I hit the call button. It starts ringing, and I can feel my hand start to shake. It rings a few more times, and I start to lose hope. And then it stops ringing.

"Hey." Zayn says. I let out a breath when I hear his voice.


"Liam. You called."

"I am so, so sorry, Zayn."

"I am too."

"None of this is your fault."

"Well then it's not yours either."

"How about we say we were both equally stupid." He laughs, and I can finally smile again.

"Sounds good."

"And, you know. I am willing to wait for you as long as it takes. And it's cliche, I know. But I really, really do love you. And we have been through way too much to give it all up."

"We have been through a lot, haven't we?" I can't see him, but I know he's smiling.

"You were engaged." I laugh, and he does too.

"Don't remind me."

"I just wish you were still here. I wish we had more time together."

"I know, I know. But Gigi's flying back in tomorrow. So I guess it's a good thing I left. In a way."

"Ha, yeah."

"I love you. So much."

"I love you too."

"And hey, Liam. We will make it through this. Right until the end. We can do this. We're Ziam, remember?"

"Yeah," I smile. "I remember."



"So the fans... They think that you two are together." our interviewer says, pointing at Louis and Harry.

"They take that really seriously," Louis says.

"It's true," I say, smiling.

"So can you explain this phenomenon?" She asks.

"Ummm yeah. Originally, I saw these things. Fans make "fanfics" where they make stories. About us." He explains, looking at Harry. "And then it turned into so many people genuinely thinking me and Harry are in a relationship." Louis says, putting an arm over Harry's shoulder. As Louis and the interviewer talk, I look at Zayn. And I can't help but feeling grateful that the fans haven't picked up on anything between us. Because I really am starting to feel something for him. And I don't know what it is. But I would never be able to talk about it like this.


After the interview, Zayn and I leave the studio together. "You know," he says. "If they call Louis and Harry Larry... Then we would be..." He tilts his head, thinking.

"Ziam," I say.

"Yeah, Ziam. That sounds pretty cool. It sounds unstoppable."

"Ah. We are Ziam, the Unstoppable." I smile and step closer to him.


Later that night, back in our hotel room, I type Ziam into my laptop. One of the first things that pops up is a fanfiction, like the ones Louis was talking about. I click on it, and start reading. While I am reading, I look up at Zayn and can't help but imagining our life like this.


L.A 09/26/16. 4:52 P.M

"Ziam the Unstoppable," I whisper.

"Unstoppable," Zayn whispers back.

The Fifth Arrow: Loving Him Goodbye || A Ziam FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now