Chapter 12

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London, 10/10/16.


I hear Niall's door open, and Louis comes walking in. I get up off the couch to greet him.

"Liam!" He exclaims, exaggeratedly. He throws his arms open. "Nice to see you, mate!" He gives me a quick hug. "So wheres Niall at?"

"In the loo. He'll be right back." Louis turns around to look out the door.

"Look, its Harry!" He says. Harry jogs up to the house, and closes the door as he walks in.

"Guys! Hello." He says, taking his boots off. Niall comes walking down the hallway.

"Niall!" Louis says again. I laugh. "Nice to see you all again."

"How has everyone been?" Harry asks.

"Great," Niall says.

"Pretty good," Louis adds.

"I've been fine. What about you?" I ask Harry.

"Never better. I never knew one person could get so much sleep." He gives us a cheeky grin, and we all walk into Niall's living room.

"So.... have any of you missed it?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, for sure," Louis says. "But I have been quite enjoying the break."

"Me too," Harry says.

"It's been kind of different though." I say.

"Yeah, definitely," Niall jumps in.

"Oh, have you heard," Louis says, "Our friend Zayn has written a book."

"Oh?" Harry sounds surprised. I am surprised they don't know, but then I remember I am the only one talking to him.

"Yeah. I wonder what kind of bullshit he put in it."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask, trying to not sound offended. Niall just stays quiet.

"Well, you know. He's had some kind of grudge against One Direction since he left. If you think he's going to be saying good things about us then you are mistaken."

I think back to my conversation with Zayn. All he wants is to make it all right. He just wants us all to be good again.

"I don't think it will be that way."

"So... How is Zayn?" Harry asks.

I look at him surprised. "Uh- he's good. Well... actually. He's not been doing too great." I say.

"You know... I kind of want to talk to him again..." Harry says, looking down.

"Me too," Niall finally says.

Louis doesn't say anything, he just looks away. It looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn't.

Finally he turns to face me. "I'm not sure he would want to talk to me. I've said too many things too him. I think he's too far gone for me." Louis gets up, and walks down the hallway to the bathroom.

The three of us kind of just sit in silence. "This became awkward...." Harry says, rocking back and forth in his chair. "So Liam. How is the solo you coming along?" He says, trying to change the subject.

"Pretty good. I flew here so I could start doing some recording. I just got in this morning."

"So you must be tired then?"

"Yeah, just a little. But to be honest, I haven't had much sleep lately."

"Oh. You should get to that."

"Noo. You think?" I say sarcastically. Niall and Harry laugh, and so do I. It feels good to be with them again. But I can''t stop thinking about what Louis said. He's too far gone for me.

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