Chapter Eleven

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(Caroline's POV)

"Help....somebody help me" Jordyn screamed.

"Donna, come on we have to help Jordyn" I said.

Running to Jordyn and Anthony bedroom, I notice Jordyn had been kidnapped.

"Wyatt was just here" Donna said.

"Just great, he's going to kill Jordyn and the baby" I said.

I started dialing Anthony number as Donna dialed the parents number.

"What is it, Is something wrong with Jordyn" Anthony asked.

"Not technically, It's Wyatt he kidnapped Jordyn" I said.

"I'm coming home right now" Anthony said as he hanged up.

"What did the parents say" I asked.

"They said their coming home soon" Donna said.

(Anthony's POV)

I couldn't believe it, he took Jordyn. He better not hurt the baby or will show no mercy when killing him.

"I'm here" I yelled.

Just then Coraline and Donna came with sad faces but when Donna saw Brandon she cried in his arms. And then seeing Caroline with Liam made me way more sad.

"Hey we're going to find her" Caroline said as she patted my back.

"Yeah" I said.

Just then Jordyn parents came in before mines.

"Who took Jordyn" Mrs. Sanders asked.

"It was Wyatt" I said.

"Who's Wyatt" Mr. Sanders asked.

"He's an old friend of mines, It's a long story" I said.

"We will get your daughter back" Caroline said.

Walking off to mines and Jordyn bedroom I started searching for clues.

"What do you think your doing" Caroline asked.

"I'm searching for clues, incase Wyatt left any" I said.

"Ok" Caroline said as she sat down.

Looking in the bathroom, I found the bathroom window opened. Looking out the window on the ground was footsteps that trailed through the words.

"Caroline I found a clue" I asked.

"What kind of clue" Caroline asked.

"A clue that could tell us where Wyatt is keeping Jordyn" I said.

"Then let's go" Caroline said.

"Ok Donna, Brandon it's time to go" I yelled.

"To where" Donna asked.

"We're going to get Jordyn back" I said.

Making our way downstairs we left out the door to the woods. Donna and Brandon transformed into their wolf form and followed Wyatt's path.

When Donna and Brandon howled, me and Caroline found them by a cottage.

"So this is where Wyatt is keeping Jordyn" Caroline said.

"Yeah I guess so" I said.

Just like that Erika appeared and had a smile on her face.

"Look who we have here" Erika said.

"What has Wyatt been doing to Jordyn" I asked.

"Nothing much yet" Erika said.

When Erika wasn't paying attention, I grabbed Brandon and took him to the other side of the cottage.

"Ok on the count of three, we are kicking down the door" I whispered.

"Ok" Brandon whispered back.



I'm so proud of myself, 3 uploads in one day before midnight. I am working on Chapter Fourteen I hope to get at least one comment from my readers that's all.





It doesn't matter if you follow me or not, I'm okay if you comment or vote for my story that's all.

Life can sometimes be a big acomplish, just live through it and nothing else will matter.-Monyetta

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