Chapter Thirteen

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The Next Day

(Jordyn's POV)

Everything was just perfect, I had my fiancée who's alive and my unborn baby with no scrathes. Everything was just fine until Caroline came in.

"Wake up....Wake Up Jordyn" Caroline said as she tried to get me up.

"No, just give me five more minutes" I asked.

"Sorry, can't we have some final wedding preparations to do" Caroline said.

"But why" I whined.

"Because the wedding is next week and we just need the flower choices" Caroline said.

"If I do this will you let me go back to sleep" I asked.

"Yess, now come on" Caroline said as she grab my hand.

"Ok I want the white roses for me the bride, orange roses for the bridesmaids and yellow roses for the flower girl" I said as I start leaving.

"Who's the flower girl" Caroline asked.

"My niéce Kaylie, she has brown hair and brown eyes you'll meet her at the wedding" I said as I start making my way upstairs again.

It was so good to be back in bed. It was like I haven't sleep for days but that didn't last long.

5 Minutes Later.......

"Jordyn I need you again" Caroline said.

"For what" I mumbled.

"We got to give you another dress fitting" Caroline said.

"Why" I asked.

"Because your bump will be about 3 months pregnant" Caroline said.

"How" I asked.

"Since the baby is half-vampire, the growth spurt with your pregnancy will be quick and slow" Caroline said.

"Oh, well let's get this over" I said as I got up again.

"Stay still" Coraline said.

"I am, your the one with poking" I said.

"Ok" Caroline said.

"Are you done" I asked.

"Yes" Caroline said as she helped me out of my dress.

"If you wake me up again you'll be dead" I said.

"Ok I wont, hormones" Caroline mummbled.

Walking back upstairs, I fell asleep again.

15 Minuutes Later

"Babe wake up" Anthony said.

"No, Caroline had me up and down" I said.

"Well for the baby, I'll let you sleep for an hour and then I'm coming back to wake you" Anthony said.

"Ok" I said.

(Anthony's POV)

Stomping downstairs I walked right down to Caroline.

"Caroline, why did you have Jordyn up and down" I asked.

"Because with the wedding happening next week, there were some final things to do" Caroline said.

"You couldn't wait until she woke" I asked.

"Nope it had to get down right now" Caroline said.

"When Jordyn wakes you better apologize" I said.

"Ok" Caroline said.

Fixing breakfast for Jordyn, I decided to give it to her in bed.

"Jordyn, babe are you awake" I asked.

"Yes now I am" Jordyn said.

"I made you breakfast in bed" I said as I brought the food in.

"That looks delicious" Jordyn said as she surround herself around the pillows.

Feeding Jordyn her food, I let her fall back to sleep. Then I fell asleep in her arms.

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