Chapter Sixteen

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(Jordyn's POV)

9 Months Pregnant

Christmas Eve

Labor Chapter


I was just sitting on the couch watching The Carrie Diaries because I was bored. I'm thinking to myself that I'm already nine months pregnant and should be going in labor soon.

"Anything yet" Caroline asked.

"Nothing" I said.

When I turned to a different channel, I turned to some scary movie that had a ghost popped up which made me pee. Feeling it now, this isn't pee.

"Caroline" I yelled.

"What, did something happened" Caroline asked.

"Yes, I'm going into labor" I said as I started gripping the couch.

"Okay, just let me get Anthony and then I'll call the doctor" Caroline said worriedly.

"No let me, ANTHONY" I Yelled.

"Ok now let me go and get the doctor" Caroline said as she left.

"Yes Jordyn" Anthony asked.

"I'm going into labor and you need to grab my bag" I said.

"Ok" Anthony said as he went upstairs.

Minutes later, Carloline and Liam came in with a camera.

"What is that for" I asked.

"It's for taking pictures and the videotape will be the labor scene" Caroline said.

"I'm not sure if I want you to be in the room when it happens" I said.

"I promise I'll be good" Caroline said as she gave me a puppy dog face.

"Okay, but if you mess up you is out" I said.

"Ready" Anthony asked.

"Yes just help me put my shoes on" I said.

"Ok" Anthony said as he helped me put my shoes on.

Anthony picked me up and then put me in the backseat as Caroline got in the driver seat.

"Can you hurry up, I just had my first contraction" I said.

"Ok....Ok I'm hurrying" Caroline said.

"Jordyn take deep breaths" Anthony said.

"How can I when these contractions hurt every time" I said through my breath.

"Caroline are we almost there" Anthony asked.

"Yes just right now" Caroline said as she parked.

Anthony then picked me up again and took me right into the hospital.

"We have one of Dr. Smith patient going into labor" Anthony said.

"Yes, Oh I see lets get you a room Mrs. Johnson" The Nurse said.

Hearing her say my new name had made me smile. Finally having our hospital room, Anthony lay me down on the bed. Then got me dressed in those hospital gowns.

"I'll go and get Dr. Smith" the nurse said.

"Ok" me and Anthony said.

Another contraction came as I gripped Anthony's hand.

"So let's see how dialated you are" Dr. Smith said.

I better be very dialated because these twins is really making it harder.

"Your about 8 centimeters dialated, very soon you get to see your twins" Dr. Smith said.

"Good because I wanna get it over with anyway" I said.


"Okay, now I need you to start pushing Jordyn" Dr. Smith said.


"Jordyn your doing great" Anthony said.

"Okay I need you to push again" Dr. Smith said.


"Here we go your beautiful baby girl" Dr. Smith said.

When Anthony cut the cord, I heard our baby girl crying.

"What are we going to name her" Anthony asked.

"I was thinking about naming her Elizabeth Rae Johnson" I said.

"Perfect, but we need you to start pushing again" Dr. Smith said.

Handing Elizabeth to the nurse I started pushing again.

1.....2.... 3...push.....

"Our baby boy is almost out" Anthony said.


Then again Anthony cut the cord again where I heard the cries again.

"Now what are we going to name him" Anthony asked.

"I was thinking of Gregory Johnson" I said.

Just then the nurse handed Elizabeth to Anthony where they took the photo of us. I just remembered we forgot to tell Donna, Brandon, my parents and Anthony parents about the good news.

"I already had Caroline call everybody else, they're here right now" Anthony said.

"Well can I see them before you start my transformation" I asked.

"Yeah sure" Anthony said he left out of the hospital room.

When Anthony came back everybody else had smiles on their faces.

"What is everybody smiling about" I asked.

"Nothing much than your beautiful twins" Mrs. Johnson said.

"They're so beautiful" Caroline said.

"Yes they are" I said as I start looking at the twins.

Elizabeth had Anthony hair and my eyes. Where Gregory had my hair and Anthony eyes.

"Let me say my goodbye to the twins" I said.

When Anthony handed me the twins I gave kisses to their heads and cheeks.

"Bye, I'll see you soon" I said.

When Anthony moved my hair away from my neck he bit me. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the darkness.


Elizabeth Rae & Gregory Johnson

Born on Christmas Eve @3:25 pm

Both healthy and very beautiful.

Parents: Jordyn and Anthony Johnson

GodParents: Caroline Johnson and Liam Thorne


The Epilogue will be the Christmas Chapter but in a few years later.

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