Left Unsaid: Tape Face X Reader

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(Inspired by izzofcats's Tape Face fanfiction, go give it a read!)
After a friend recommends you to go see a show, it's not at all what you thought it'd be.
Feeling in your pocket for the ticket, you pulled it out and handed the man your ticket, pointing you and giving you directions to the stage. You flinched a little when he holepunched your ticket, but you gave a small nod in thank you and started to walk down the hall. Posters covered the walls with one person on them, the headline screaming his name:
The Boy With The Tape On His Face.
Apparently, he was a silent stand-up comedian.
I wonder how that works, you thought to yourself.
He's super popular here in the UK, so it better be worth it to spend all that money to get here from H/T all the way on the other side of the world. Your friend has been raving about him ever since he was on America's Got Talent, which you never watched.
Your eyes continued to follow the posters on the wall all the way down the hall when your thoughts were interrupted when you accidently bumped into a person in front of you, standing in line to the doors of the auditorium.
"S-sorry!" You said, your hand going up softly in defense.
The person just shrugged it off and said, "It's alright," turning around and facing back to the line.
Tilting your body, you looked ahead at the huge line and you winced.
'It's gonna be a bit of a wait, I guess.'
You sighed in relief when you were finally able to walk in, the auditorium dark, only an almost purple spotlight on someone on the stage. Shoving your hands in your pockets, you took a glance at the only person on the stage as everyone walked in front of him to their seats.
It was him and he was watching all the newcomers go to their seats.
He had short, very short, black hair with the front gelled to the left and revealing the spikey hair in the back. His eyes were outlined with heavy black makeup and just as the picture said, a big strip of black tape over his mouth.
He had a dark gray jacket with a black and white striped shirt underneath with gray pants and gray sneakers.
Examining his clothes and face, his gaze wandered over to you for just a moment and almost immediately went to the other people coming in behind you. The sudden look from him made your heart slightly pound. To be honest, he was a little intimidating and odd. You also previously heard that he almost always uses volunteers from the audience. But...hopefully this show goes well and you won't have to go up in front of everyone.
Soon after you were finally seated, the show had begun as carnival music filled the room and the strange man on stage stood up, walking to the microphone standing at the front.
'What's he gonna do with that? He can't even talk...' You thought with a slight raise of the eyebrow.
But what he did instead was tap on the mic, testing it, and then just standing there, as if he was waiting for something to set his voice free from the tape that covered it. But all that was heard was the background music.
A small laugh erupted from the audience and a small one from yourself, but it quickly faded when he just shrugged and set the microphone off to the side.
As he flipped the hood up on his messenger bag, he dug through until he got out a toothbrush. The music shifted to a more dramatic tone and he lifted up the toothbrush up with his wide eyes. But then he then set it in his pocket and the music came to an abrupt stop.
'That was a bit anticlimactic.' You thought, but you laughed anyway along with the audience.
He shrugged at what he did and then he flipped open his bag again, getting out a pair of goggles and a helmet, the dramatic music starting up again. He slipped a helmet over his pitch-black hair and got the toothbrush out of his pocket again. He set it on his pinkie finger and his wide eyes looked forward to the audience, he spread his other arm out and twirled the toothbrush around his pinkie as if he was flying.
The audience gave a laugh and you found yourself smiling. 'This guy is clever.'
All of a sudden, someone from backstage ran to the front and set a stool in front of him, Tape Face turned to him as he ran back behind the stage and glared at him with his wide eyes. Then, the toothbrush flew off his pinkie to the other side of the stage and he flapped his arms, desperately trying to fly. He set his stomach on the stool and his limbs went limp. The music began to change to and somber tone and you then realized what song it was.
'I'm free! Free-fallin!" The song yelled.
He suddenly looked up and spread his arms and legs, the audience laughing with you as he began to spin himself on the chair, as if he was free-falling in the air, hence the song that was playing in the background.
After continuing to spin for a couple more seconds, he stopped himself and got up as the music faded. That's when he started to look around the audience while he put his helmet, goggles and the stoll remained there.
Your heart started to pound as he walked up your aisle. You were sitting at the edge of the aisle and very well on the edge of your seat.
'Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god-'
His eyes widened and he pointed to you. You slightly yelped at the sudden finger point to you and he motioned his hand saying to follow him onto the stage. He clapped and the audience copied him, giving you a light applause for being chosen as you walked behind him. Your eyes flicked around as you went a light red as your heart continued beating loudly in your ears.
You both arrived onstage and he helped you with the step up, gently holding your hand. He then motioned his hand to stand at the center of the stage, where you stood beside him. Reaching into his bag, he grabs a plastic jar with a ball of something red inside it, you couldn't quite make out what.
He opened it up and set the jar on the stool, rolling the ball in his hands for a moment before pressing it onto the top of the jar.
'Oh, it's Playdough.' You figured out.
Then it was quiet, besides the music in the background.
He stared at the clay, then his eyes went swiftly to you. You looked at him and the clay with a confused and innocent look, not knowing what to do. He continued looking to you and the clay before a moment before taking action. Taking your hands, he made them stay up a little apart from each other and above the clay ball. Then he snuck behind you and then pressed his body to your back, his hands grabbing yours and digging your hands into the clay. The music then changed to a familiar song. You started to blush the slightest bit and laugh, as the audience did too.
His goal was to re-enact a scene from the famous movie Ghost, when the ghost of the husband does exactly what Tape Face was doing and helping his wife mould the clay.
His eyes were closed and his hands rest on yours as the music continued, the clay being formed into a new shape by the both of you.
Soon enough, Tape Face stepped out from behind you and spread his arms to you, urging the audience to give you another round of applause. Your was was a bright red as you removed your hands from the clay and began to walk down back to your seat. Being a gentleman, Tape Face led you to your seat up the aisle and bowed to you a little before making his way back to the stage.
You set a hand on your cheek as your blush didn't fade, you smiled a little as you recapped what just happened.
'I think I like this show a little bit more now.'
The rest of the show was hilarious, seeing a staple-gun draw with an another audience member, two oven mitts sing a love song, and a lot more. But when the show was finally over, he bowed to the audience and everyone clapped their hands and gave him the loudest applause ever.
He then ran over to the side of the door and hold it for everyone as they began to file out. He wanted to try and get a handshake from everyone and your heart began to race as the line got shorter and shorter. When you finally got to him, his eyes widened and he gave you a thumbs up after gesturing to the stage, meaning that you did great up there. You bashfully looked down at your shoes and smiled. "T-thanks! I think you did good too." You replied.
He then gave a shrug which earned a laugh from you. You then took his hand and shook it, continuing to smile. As you walked out, you had only one thing to think about.
'That was better then I thought it would be...'
(You guys should really look up his acts he did on America's Got Talent, he was amazing and hilarious! I really hoped you guys liked the first chapter of this one shot book, stick around for another update soon!)

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