A New Friend At The Worst Time: Human!Pinkie Pie X Suicidal!Reader

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(Love this concept of a cheery person trying to cheer up a depressed and/or suicidal person! Also, this is based off of something I'm going through right now...that being said, enjoy the oneshot!)
After finding something hidden about your mother, your depression gets the better of you and there's only one pink-haired girl who can fix you up.
About a year ago, your mother got together with this man. All three of you bought a house and lived there for a bit over the summer. But you started coming back to the house to find holes in the walls and shattered glass. You started to become frantic. Soon, your mother confessed to you that the man was abusing her while you were not around.
For the past year and a half, your mother has been on and off with the man and it's been getting on your nerves. And now is the fifth time. And every single time, she says she's done. But you know better. Make up, break up, make up, break up, it was the same vicious cycle over and over again and it made you paranoid. It's always either you're pissed and he's happy, or you're happy and he's pissed. There's no pleasing both you and him at the same time.
You've started to feel like your emotions or feelings, or just yourself in general, didn't mean a lick to your mother. Crying yourself to sleep when you'd hide the fact that you read her texts between the two, considering worse things, venting to your friends, it seemed like nothing could satisfy your longing to feel like you were cared for when you were with you mother.
But you never did.
It was Monday at school and you lugged around your weight as if it was a burden. Looking ahead of you, your eyes were concealed by a shadow while hiding your almost dry tears from the previous night.
You'd been thinking long and hard about what to do about the situation with your mom and the man. There was no stopping the inevitable. It would just happen again. And again. And again.
So you've decided to stop it your own way.
Thinking back to last night, you knew that you were the only one in the way of your mom and the man being happy when they were together.
So you'll get rid of the block between them.
You've decided to finish off at school. You would write a note to leave on the roof of your three-story high school and leave it for someone, anyone, to see.
Maybe then your mom will take a fucking hint.
It was a few hours before you would do it and you didn't really know what to do. If your friends found out of your plan, they'd get in the way and try to stop you. You didn't want that.
But afterwards, before you headed to lunch, you told yourself that you would act happy. You would laugh at your friend's jokes. You would smile. One last time.
It was time.
Skipping 6th hour and sneaking to the roof of the school, your hands shook as you held the crumpled note you'd leave in your hand.
You silently thought back to your mother.
How would she feel when she found out?
What would she do then?
Would she continue to be with that man?
It doesn't matter now.
With a mental shove, you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind and exhaled as steadily as you could. With tears starting to slowly well up in your eyes, you set the note under a rock, and hopefully somebody would find it when this was over.
Closing your eyes, you told yourself to stop procrastinating. The longer you think about it, the less you'll wanna do it. You balled your hands into fists and with a small whine, your foot went over the roof.
But something stopped you.
"W-wait!" A voice yelled to you as a hand reached and caught your wrist to stop your desent.
As you were about to shove off the person who had stopped you, you just stared at them.
They were a female, vibrant pink hair protruding in all directions, she had a faint scent of birthday cake perfume.
"What are you doing, silly? You could seriously hurt yourself if you do that!" She smiled softly and pulled you onto your feet.
Shaking your head, you didn't wanna reveal what you were really doing. "B-but, how did you see me?"
"Oh! Silly me! I was up here having some 'me' time, when I saw you were doing the same as me! But you were about to fall off the edge, so I ran over to you and caught you!" She explained, rather enthusiastically.
You were speechless.
Did she really have no idea what I was really doing...?
"Anyways, now that we're both up here, wanna spend some 'me' time with me?" She smiled widely, her pink curls bouncing every which way.
You didn't know what to say.
It's been the first time in years that you've met someone new, someone that's so happy to see you, someone who was so willing to help you.
You smiled, for real, for the first time in ages.
You took her hand and nodded. "I would love to."
She gasped and squealed like she was the happiest girl in the world. "Yaay! What do you wanna do? We could bake cupcakes, or just talk, or eat frosting, or..." She let out a loud gasp, "You could come to my house for a sleepover!"
You were absolute astounded. By just meeting this girl today, it seemed like you had already made a new best friend.
That night, a heavy downpour fell. The note was still on the roof of the school, left to melt by the rain.

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