No Way Out: Bismuth X Gem!Reader

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(Quick reminder that you are a gem in this one-shot. And this is also a scenario where Steven popped both you and Bismuth's gems but he didn't come back to get you guys out of Lion's mane. Also, pxstelblue helped me come up with a plot. Enjoy!)
After you and Bismuth were mysteriously popped and you were trapped, you're there to keep Bismuth company.
"I-I'm back! B-but...where is everyone?" You said to yourself, your voice quiet.
The last thing you remembered was being face-to-face with Rose Quartz, someone's shattered gem in your hands as you argued with her. She told you that what you did was terrible, and that shattering gems isn't right. But you had a different state of mind. You threatened to shatter the rest of the Diamonds and free everyone from Homeworld's tyranny. That's when you and Rose started to fight, your (weapon) clashing with her sword. In the end, she poofed you and now here you were, in the middle of some kind of endless pink field.
"H-HELLO?!" You called out at the top of your lungs, desperately hoping there was someone else with you.
For a moment it was silent, but soon a familiar voice called back.
"IS SOMEONE ELSE HERE?!" You heard someone yell to you.
Being a little startled hearing a reply back, you started to quickly run towards the voice.
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" You yelled.
"AT THE TREE!!" A reply came back.
You quickly swerved to the little hill in the center of the field and saw a huge gem with rainbow dreads falling onto her shoulders.
'I know her...' You thought to yourself.
The gem must've heard your rustling in the grass because she turned around to look at you and her eyes widened as yours did too.
"B-Bismuth!" You said in joy, running up the hill to jump into her arms.
She stood still for a moment but she recognized you and quickly hugged you back.
"(Gem name)! Oh thank god I'm not alone here!" She said, relieved to have some company.
"I didn't think I'd ever see you again!" You pulled away and looked at her with tear-filled eyes, her strong arms still holding you up.
"Honestly, me niether. But what a coincidence that now we're together in here!" Bismuth said happily.
The mysterious person who popped both of you never came back, so you and Bismuth took the time you had together to tell stories and become closer.
"...and t-that's how I was poofed." You wrapped up your story, choking up just the slightest bit.
Bismuth pat your back with a sorrowful look.
"It's okay, (gem name), you've got me now. And that's good enough...right?" She said, the last word becoming a bit of a whimper.
Wiping your tears, it was your turn to look up at her concerningly. "B-Bismuth? What do you mean? I...I think you're a wonderful gem and an amazing...f-friend. Why wouldn't having you around be enough?" You said, gently wrapping your arms around her big stature.
Bismuth snapped and started to bawl loudly. "B-because I've always felt like I w-was never enough! T-that I was never good enough for the r-rebellion! Rose turned her b-back on me and stored me away l-like some prize after she didn't approve of the b-breaking point! I've always thought I w-was...w-worthless!" She stopped her blubbering and buried her face in her hands, continuing to cry.
Your eyes widened at what she has said. All the time you've been here, she's never once wanted to talk about why and how she got poofed. Now she's having a breakdown and telling you what happened.
You had to say something.
"B-but Bismuth! I think you're...amazing and strong! You're dependable, trustworthy, loving...that's what I l-love about you!" Gasping and covering your mouth, Bismuth looked up at you, her face growing a few shades darker but the tears ceased.
You had no idea what to do. So you ran. You ran away from the hill as fast so you could to hide. Telling Bismuth how you felt was the last thing you wanted to do while you two were stuck here. Ignoring her numerous calls out to you, you tripped and landed onto the hard ground face-first. Right on the gem.
With a defeaning crack, you lifted your head up weakly as you barely saw Bismuth running up to you with a hand on her mouth.
"O-oh my goodness!!" She exclaimed, kneeling next to you.
You held your stomach, feeling sick. Your physical form went crazy and turned fuzzy. Groaning, Bismuth grabbed your shoulders and your eyes met her fearful ones.
"(Gem name). I...I don't know how to fix this. I don't have any of Rose's healing tears but...if you do...d-die...there's something I need to tell you." Bismuth was bringing tears to your eyes, hers filling up as well.
But you barely heard the words she said before your vision went black.
"I love you too."
Okay, okay. I know you guys are gonna probably kill me for ending it with you dying...or not. That's why I'm gonna ask you. Should I do a part 2 to this?

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