Good Luck Charm: Milo Murphy X Lucky!Reader

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(This show is super new to Disney XD but it's already captured my heart! I honestly wasn't that big of a fan of Phineas and Ferb, but now the creators have made something new and fresh that you just gotta give a try! If you haven't watched it yet, the first episode, called Going The Extra Milo/The Undergrounders, is free to watch on Youtube! Anyways, I've started to develop a low-key crush on Milo, just how he's so optimistic and bright about everything he goes through, and how tough it must be for him to stay that way, is something I admire about him. Enjoy the oneshot! This is probably gonna be very long too.)
Bringing the opposite of bad luck to Milo and his group of friends when you hang out with them, everyone begins to pressure you to get together with Milo and help it stay that way.
Sitting at your desk day-by-day, you always marveled at a certain friend group that you unfortunately weren't apart of. Milo Murphy, a kid who's bad luck knows no bounds, has lately been trying to talk to you, but in fear of his bad luck getting to you, you always stayed away from him. It was embarressing. I mean, Zack and Melissa are caught up in Milo's shenanigans every single day, what are you so afraid of?
Yknow...besides everything that could go wrong.
After doing research on the last name Murphy, you soon grew to understand the boy's odd attraction to bad luck. According to science, Murphy's Law states that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. And somehow, you felt bad for how Milo had to live like that. He had to always remain happy and optimistic about everything but he's constantly picked on and pushed away because of this "curse" he has. Honestly, you kind of envied him for that. Not for the curse, but for how he acted towards it. You couldn't even handle a bit of difficult homework without having a breakdown. Here you were doing that, and this kid took on his whole day of calamity with nothing but a smile. You always wondered to yourself, how did he do it?
Anyways, one day while you were reading at your lonesome lunch table, three kids sat across from you as they set their trays and lunch boxes down. You didn't get a good look at them, but you didn't need to. The feeling of slight fear in your heart began to show, your cheeks went slightly red and your eyes widened a little.
"Hey Y/N, what's happening? We saw you sitting all by your yourself so we came to say hi!" Milo asked to you across the table, the usual smile on his face.
As you looked up, you saw Zack and Melissa sitting on either side of Milo, suspicious faces on them. They must've noticed something was wrong when you began to blush.
"You alright over there, Y/N?" Melissa asked, cautiously knitting her eyebrows together.
"Yeah, you look like your about to pass out or something." Zack agreed and nodded.
"D-don't sweat it guys, I'm alright." You stuttered, beginning to fan yourself with your hands worthlessly.
All three of them gave awkward and worried glances to each other and shrugged.
"Well, you didn't answer my question earlier, but that's alright." Milo smiled at you, taking a bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwhich.
"H-huh? Oh, I'm so sorry, Milo. I'm doing alright, thanks for asking." You shook your head and continued to try to cool yourself down, your face must've been like a tomato by now.
Most of the lunch period, it was casual chatter amongst the four of you. You felt like you were finally feeling comfortable around Milo and his friends, and quite quicker than you thought it would take too. You had no idea why.
"Hey, is it just me, or has nothing bad happened ever since we moved over to this table with Y/N?" Zack cautiously asked, looking around the rest of the lunch room to make sure he didn't speak too soon.
"Hey, yeah! I've actually noticed that too!" Melissa snapped her fingers and had a surprised expression on her face.
You didn't even notice it either. But now that you think about it, Zack was right. Absolutely nothing has happened since they've sat with you. You know it wasn't before that because there was a llama stampede through the halls, trying to get Milo's pistachios this morning. Don't ask.
The whole group sat, thinking about this for a minute. "We'll have to run some expirements just to be sure!" Melissa stood up and pointed a determined finger in the air.
Milo and Zack nodded and agreed to her idea. "Y/N, is there any way you can come to my house after school today?" Milo turned to you and asked, a determined expression on his face.
You nodded. "Y-yeah! I usually ride the same bus as you three anyways."
"Oh yeah, that's good! We can just walk you to his place." Melissa waved her hands around excitedly.
'They're really serious about this. Huh.'
Milo began to get up to throw away his trash when the bell to dismiss from lunch rang. He stopped himself to wait for the others to get up as you remained seated, just kind of watching.
But when Zack and Melissa are caught up with him, Milo turns and someone accidently bumped into Milo and spilt some of their milk carton on his shirt.
"O-oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The person tries to frantically grab his napkins and clean up.
"Don't worry about it! I always carry a spare sweater vest in my backpack, you guys meet me in next hour." Milo gestured to Zack and Melissa, who nodded and began to head out.
The rest of the cafeteria was empty expect for you two. Milo turned around and facing you, you could see the apparent milk stain on his chest.
"I guess our theory is already looking good." Milo laughed to you and waved goodbye, heading to the nearest bathroom to change his shirt.
You kind of just sat in the empty cafeteria, your blush most likely still apparent because of what he said.
'If you say so.'
As predicted, you decided to sit with Milo on the bus. He was usually all by himself besides the occasional Melissa to sit by him, but she was sitting next to Zack in the seat across the aisle. Milo waved you down with a smile while everyone else on the bus looked to you in awe and fear.
'She's sitting by Milo!'
'What does she think she's doin?'
'What do you think is gonna happen to her?'
'Maybe she'll choke on something. Or worse.'
You heard the quiet and eager whispers from the kids around you and your cheeks started to turn a light red. But you were relieved when you finally managed to sit down beside him.
"Oh Y/N, you will never believe what happened after lunch. After I went to clean my shirt, the spare one wound up getting soaking wet, but I wore it anyway since it's just water."
You softly poked his shoulder and he was right. The shirt was pretty wet still. He continued to rant about his past calamities that day, but you didn't really listen. You just stared at him with a small smile.
Melissa and Zack were giggling behind you, watching your dazed expression. At one point, you heard Melissa say, "Someone's looking a little love-sick."
After that, you snapped out of your staring and shook your head.
"...and that's how the skeleton model in the science room wound up tripping me." He just finished, counting all the instances on his fingers.
You honestly had no idea what to say, trying to say something, but nothing came out. Behind you, Melissa and Zack laughed as quiet as they could.
"Hey guys, what's so funny?" Milo leaned over to see them, a curious and lost expression on his face.
'I cannot wait to get off this bus.' You thought to yourself, groaning into your backpack. Suprisingly, you guys were the last one off so you fell asleep. A nice little nap.
The teasing continued to whole way to the bus stop and when the bus finally stopped, Milo got up before you and smiled, leading you off the bus.
To your surprise, there was a dog waiting at the sign. His tail began to wag happily as all four of us stepped off the bus.
"Oh, Diogee, were you waiting here for us?" Milo said, leaning down and scratching his head.
"At least he didn't chase after us as much as usual today." Zack said, rubbing his back.
Soon enough, you guys arrived at Milo's house with Diogee leading.
"Let's head to the backyard, I have some ideas." Melissa said, skipping in front of the rest of you and opening the gate for everyone.
'Gotta be prepared.'
For almost the rest of the day, everyone just gathered around and played games in the treehouse. Card games, that is. You guys played almost every single card game known to man like poker, crazy eights, that sort of thing.
At the end of it all, Zack stood up and stretched. "Y/N, you know that the other times we've tried to play things in the treehouse, it never went well." He winced, Milo and Melissa nodding in agreement.
Suddenly, your phone began to vibrate, it was a text from your mom.
You comin back soon? You gotta get in bed soon.
Okay mom, be back soon.
"Shoot guys, I gotta head home. I had no idea how late it was getting." You started to climb down the latter and stepped onto the ground, everyone else following you.
"Well, seeya tomorrow mornin at the bus stop!" Milo waved to you as you headed outside the gate.
Waving back, you started to think.
'This is pretty crazy. Every time that I've hung out with Milo, nothing bad has happened to him. It's...weird. Weird and creepy. Has it something do to with me?'
You didn't know it yet but yes. Yes it did.
For the next month, it was almost the same thing as that first day hanging out with them. Everytime you guys hung out, or when you were even pretty near to them, Milo's shenanigans seemed to turn sideways. It was crazy, no one else could control them.
But with that power, came some inevitable consequences. First off, almost every day, someone would ask how you do it. How you feel about it. Even some people even saying something crazy.
That you and Milo should get together. As in date.
It was stressful and mostly, very nerve-wrecking. Y'see, you honestly did confess that you started to have some feelings for Milo. It was slow and steady but it was happening. Even Melissa and Zack would try to get you to spill the beans, but you refused.
But one day, you couldn't hold it in any longer.
You decided to tell Milo that you had to have a secret meeting with him, just you and him. Even Melissa and Zack didn't know about this. You were gonna do it. You were gonna confess your feelings for him.
"So what did you wanna talk about, Y/N? It was kind of last minute but we made it work." He smiled to you as you both sat criss-cross in the grass, Diogee in his lap.
Facing him, you ran your hand through your hair as your heart pounded out of your chest.
"Y/N, you know you can tell me anything. Promise." Milo assured you, leaning to you a little and gently smiling.
"O-okay." You stuttered but you began to talk.
"So...I know that you are well enough aware of what's been happening this past month while we hang out. Well...are you aware that people are taking notice to it?"
"Actually no." Milo raised an eyebrow at you and tilted his head.
You sighed a little. " that you know...there's something else that they're wanting to happen."
You paused, biting on your lip nervously.
"Yes?" Milo asked, waiting for a reply.
You grabbed his hand and sniffled. "For us to get together."
Milo was speechless, his cheeks were a light red as well as yours.
" that I think about it...I don't think they're the only ones who want us together...Milo...I like you." You said, pushing the words out of your mouth.
Milo then frowned sadly and removed his hand from yours, looking down at his lap. You started to get worried.
"Y/N...if that's the only reason you like me, because of what other people want, then-" He started but he was cut off by you taking his hand back and pulling him to you.
"N-no! It's not, I swear! I know that it may seem like that but it's not! I like you, Milo. You're cute and happy and optimistic about everything you go through and I envy you for that! It's not because of them, it's just me..." You started to go quiet and your grip in his hand loosened.
You both looked at each other with suprised and nervous eyes.
"Well...if you're truly positive that you like me for me then...I think I like you for you too." He says softly, holding your hand gently and smiling at you.
Reacting quickly, you enveloped him in a hug, smiling beyond any smile you've ever made. "You're amazing, Milo."
"Hey, you're the lucky one here." He says as he hugged you back, leaving you in tears.
But then he started crying.
"W-why would you wanna be with someone like me? I-I'm so unlucky and everyone around m-me has gotten hurt...why would you wanna risk that?" He cried into the crook of your neck.
You shushed him by putting a hand on his mouth, wiping his tears.
"I'm your lucky charm, Milo."
(Isn't this like the first Milo X Reader? Well if it is, I HOPE IT WAS GOOD, also, thanks to pxstelblue for helping me come up with a plot, your awesome, sissy!)

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