A Little Death Never Killed Anyone: Bill Cipher X Suicidal!Reader

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(Little FYI, this is based off of the animation on YouTube called Welcome To Hell, if you haven't watched it, you definatly should! Also, this is based on a rp between me and pxstelblue, enjoy!)
"God, finally home." You mumbled to yourself as you set your backpack down with a thud on the floor, falling back onto your bed.
The music ringing in your ears was almost deafening, but it was better then hearing anything else.
You traveled to Gravity Falls, Oregon to study abroad in the study of mythology and anomalies, taught by Mr. Ford, a rather old and odd-ball teacher himself, with a sixth-finger on each hand. But at the high school, it might as well have been called Hell. It seemed like you and your best friend, Wendy, who was a senior, against the world. Sometimes that didn't help though.
You had depression. It was as simple as that. You didn't abuse yourself as much as you used to but it was still something you thought about. You tried to commit suicide once but it didn't work and Wendy tried her best to always be there for you whenever you had the urge to do anything to harm yourself.
Well, your life was about to change. By a little yellow demon.
"I have to what?!" Bill yelled, quite annoyed as he glared at the demon across the desk from him who simply shrugged with a smug expression.
"Don't worry, Cipher, you're not the first one to get this job, you just need to be...punished for your past actions on the third dimension."
Bill has just been told that he will be, in his words, "babysitting," a teenager and trying to make them kill themselves. He was devastated.
"This is unbelievable...from taking over the universe to babysitting a kid!" He spat out furiously and rubbed his forehead, examining the picture of his assigned human named Y/N. They were a Y/G with H/S H/C hair. He raised an eyebrow at the photograph of them and thought for a second.
"Well...here goes nothing." Bill floated up from his seat and shrugged in defeat as the demon teleported him to Y/N's bedroom where you continued to listen to your music.
Bill sighed a little. 'They look even more disgusting up close.'
He then floated next to you and practically screamed in your ear. "Heya kid!!"
Unfortunately, the music drowned out his voice and you didn't see him, your eyes being closed and relaxed. You did hear a tiny high-pitched voice and opened one eye, but shrugged it off as you thought it was just feedback from the headphones. They were pretty cheap and shitty anyway.
If Bill had a mouth, he would have a huge frown on his face and snarling. Then he floated above your face and snapped his fingers impatiently, his one eye narrowed. "Don'tcha know how rude it is to ignore your guests?!"
Your one eye opened again but this time, you saw him. As your smile began to fade into a look of fear and confusion, you sat up and slid your headphones off your ears.
"Those antidepressants are starting to make me see things..." You mumbled to yourself.
Your eyes continued to widen.
"W-who are you?" You stuttered out.
"Bill Cipher. I come from the dreamscape, kiddo." He snickered at my look of horror and summoned a cane, twirling it on his finger.
"So...I'm supposed to make you kill yourself!" He said rather bluntly and straightforwardly, somehow smirking without a mouth.
At that statement, you pursed your lips and raises an eyebrow. "Wait, seriously? Well, it looks like you're gonna be here for a while, Bill." You laughed a little and crossed your legs as you continued to sit on your bed.
"Aw c'mon sweetheart, I know about your depression, heck, even your attempt to kill yourself, and just to be plain, that things aren't working out for you. It's only a matter of time..." At that moment, Bill held up an old-fashioned hand clock and watched it tick as his eye turned a shade of blue.
"Until you snap." He widened his eye and the clock burst into blue flames, breaking and cracking from it and soon vanishing.
You flinched a little when the clock ignited, but he didn't indimidate you too much. You weren't fazed.
"Well then, you're welcome to haunt me till I," You made quotation marks with your hands, " 'snap.' "
"I've got time!" He snapped back and crossed his arms, floating down a little ways away from me and sitting on the bed. "Tick tock."
Becoming a little bored despite your newcomer, you sat up after a moment. "Well, while you're doing that, I'm gonna go get some food. So you do your thing."
Obviously, Bill followed after you as you made your way to the kitchen, sighing with his eye half open.
"You can't eat, can you?" You asked as you opened your snack drawer, pulling out a bag or Doritos and popping them open.
You turned and leaned on the counter, facing Bill. You snickered as you held up a small Dorito next to him. "I see a resemblance." You couldn't help but point out.
"You beast of a child." He spat out with a narrowed eye, small blue sparks appearing around him.
He floated away from the chips to the living room, taking a seat on the edge of the couch and crossing his arms. "And...yeah. I can't."
You laughed a little and followed him over to the couch, sitting down with the chip bag still in hand. "That's too bad."
You yawned a little and splayed your body out on the couch, getting comfortable. "So what's it like being a demon? Tortured past? Laid back boss? Possibly plans for domination?" You asked out of curiousity.
"Conquering the world and getting this stupid job is bad enough, I don't need your nose in my business. It's none of your concern, that's what." He snapped with stubbornness in his voice, moving next to you and getting a small idea.
"Yknow...it would really be a shame of you just happened to choke and die, right here." He said deviously.
I simply shrugged and smirked over to him. "I'm not too worried about that. But use your future vision all you want, Dorito."
He growled loudly and huffed, starting to chant, "Choke! Choke! Choke!"
All of a sudden my cell phone rang. You raised an eyebrow as you and Bill turned to the kitchen table, where your phone was vibrating.
The contact name said Mom.
You quickly went over to the couch and Bill stayed where he was, a suspicious eye on you.
"Mom? What's going on?" You answered the phone.
"W-what?...n-no...it's not true...this is...I need some time to process this, I only did a few studies on cancer but...yeah...love you, bye."
You pressed the red end call button and pressed your back to the door, your smirk from before fading and turning into a look of pure sadness and depression. You slid your back on the door and fell to your knees, almost forgetting that anyone was watching you.
Bill snickered at you and was clearly amused by your expression. "Aww, what's the matter, Y/N?" He asked with fake sympathy and laughed.
You growled over to him and attempted to run a hand through your H/S hair, only to get your fingers caught it in a tangle. "Ow, ow!"
"Do it again!!" Bill hissed out and grinned, enjoying your pain.
When you finally got your fingers out of your hair, you rolled your eyes at him and stood up. "I almost forgot that my pain amuses you." You said in a monotone voice.
Bill then frowned and followed after you. "Geez...even Pine Tree and Shooting Star would've been easier to snap than you."
With a small sigh, you laid on your couch where your previous bag of Doritos has spilt onto the carpet. You didn't bother with them though.
Quickly running to grab a soda, Bill kept going back and forth and cursing under his breath and little, you running in the other direction when he tried to say something.
You and him finally got back to the couch, you laying down and him sitting next to you with a hard glare and crossed arms. "This is boring..."
"Well, that's just what life can be sometimes. Boring. I know being a demon you can probably very easily distract yourself and...say Bill...didn't you say earlier you tried to conquer the world before getting this job?" You looked over at him with a curious and dubious glare.
At that question, Bill went silent for a moment, looking away. "Yeah, I tried and failed...I was punished and that's why I have this dumb job now."
"Aw cmooon, you'll get used to me. I can be pretty cool and weird once you get to know me, but you've probably already figured that out since the past hour you've been here." You softly chuckled and lifted your legs up, crossing your legs on the couch.
He nodded. "Fair point..." He mumbled while still avoiding eye contact, frowning just a bit. "Fine...I'll try not to kill or whatever...as much." He admitted.
"Thanks Dorito, I appreciate it." With your soda can empty, you stood up and placed your foot on top of the can, smashing it flat and tossing it into the trash.
Rolling his eye, Bill glared at you. "Well don't get too comfortable, because I'm still supposed to make your life a living hell."
"Yknow, if I can call you Dorito, I'll let you give me a nickname." You shrugged and smirked, sitting back on the couch, facing him.
"I DON'T want a nickname...but I'll give you one anyway, (nickname.)" He snickered softly, then beaming. "I like that, (nickname!)"
"It's a deal then!" You smiled at him, then you beamed, thinking of something. "Hold on, Dorito!"
"A...deal?" Bill murmured as you walked off, with an eyebrow raised. "Uh...okay."
It didn't even take you a moment but you came back with a drawing notebook and a pencil in hand, "You seem pretty easy to draw, considering you're so acute!" You laughed at your little joke and flipped to a new clean page.
Bill, on the other hand, floated back a little, feeling a bit sheepish for once in his life. He narrowed his eye as it glowed a dangerous neon blue. "What're you tryna play at, human?"
"I'm (nickname), and I'm not playing at anything." You shrugged and started to quickly sketch him out, covering your drawing with one arm so he couldn't see.
Trying his best to peek over your shoulder, his one eye narrowed even more and almost flamed up. "I wanna see! Show me, I command you!!" He whined, crossing his arms.
"One second...almost done..." You dragged out your words as you continued to erase any stray pencil marks and then pushed my notebook over to him, the drawing sketched out. "It's me and you, Dorito."
To be more specific, the drawing was of you sitting with your legs crossed and headphones on your head, just like when you two met. You had a quite annoyed look on your face as Bill floated in front of my face with a happy and slightly devious look in his eye.
Bill looked down at it and took the paper from you, his eye widening a little. "...you...made this?" He asked, confused as he traced the edges of both figures on the page with his finger.
You simply nodded proudly in responce. "Sure did!"
At that moment, Bill went silent and dropped the notebook, it landing on the floor with a quiet rustle as he trembled a little. "...why are you being so nice to me? You're supposed to hate me and to be dead!!" His voice rose shockingly, floating away a little and nervous blue sparks coming from him.
At his little outburst, you gave him a small smile and rested an elbow on the couch, propping your chin with your hand. "Well, to be honest, I try to be nice, even to the demons that sometimes invade my mind, like you! But, you're also pretty fun to tease. And Bill, Bill, Bill, don't get your hopes down just yet. It's only day one. Maybe you'll get me to snap eventually." You explained, trying to boost his spirits a little.
"Yeah...eventually..." He mumbled and looked away, floating down and sitting on the other side of the couch.

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