Chapter 2

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Kyoko-chan briskly walked into LME, the bright pink Love Me uniform setting her apart from the rest of the stars employed by the ajency. She had been a person in the Love Me section for quite some time now and most of the regular stars were used to the girl's odd behavior. However there were a few newcommers or visitors who stared openly at the girl. Without fear of rejection the pink clad girl marched up to the secretaries at the front desk. She standed with her back straight, her hands folded in front of her neatly. Her feet were close together and her chin was slightly tucked in. Her noble stance was often overlooked however there were those who saw the proper regal manner anyone of noble standing should have was apparent on the girl. "I have an appointment with President Lory," Kyoko told the girls and stood patiently as they checked their computers for conformation.

After double checking they nodded to the girl and let the now somewhat famous girl through the highly guarded entrance to the elevator to the President's office. Kyoko walked forward proudly, her back still straight, there was no hint of the girl she had just been acting as just one hour before this. Natsu's proud face and model esk walk were no where to be found in this girl. As soon as the elevator door shut Mogami-san crouched in the corner, she pulled out two dolls, one modeled after herself and one that had a striking resemblence to the Presiedent. "President what did you want to talk to me about?" the girl doll said to the other one.

"I've changed my mind, you can't work here anymore because of your unpure thoughts toward Ren-san" the male doll replied.

"No President, I'm not unpure, please don't fire me," the Kyoko doll was prostrating herself before the other doll.

Kyoko stached the dolls back in her back, "that might happen, I gotta prepare just in case. Either way I can't give up, not until I can act with Tsuruga-san. And show Shotaru that I am not a dumb, plain girl!" The Kyoko demons began stretching out of her shoulders but the girl slapped them down, very much aware that she might be stepping to her doom.

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