Chapter 13

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A week later Kyoko entered the truck for costuming and greeted Jelly-san with a bow. The process to transform Kyoko into Setsu-chan was long and arduous and Kyoko could feel herself sapping away as Jelly applied the makeup and perfected the Heel's look. Ren-san would be arriving a little later as his work on another drama continued into the later hours. However, when he finally arrived at the costume truck and ducked his head into the vehicle. He sat down, waiting for the older woman to begin working on his appearance. Setsu immediately found her place on his lap.

Ren started, confused by Kyoko's immediate transformation into the Heel girl. Normally Kyoko waited until he was also in character until she switched into her courageous counterpart, but today it seems as if she was tired and the make-up and costume immediately affected her and like a magical she was instantly transformed. Ren could feel himself reacting to her presence and aspects of Cain's personality began seeping through. He could also tell that his body was reacting to her in a way he was sure that she wouldn't have been appreciative of, if she had been in her own mind. Jelly-san interrupted his thoughts, "So... Ren-san, how do you like working with Zara?" there was a hint of disdain in her voice when she said the writer's name.

For the second time that night Ren was startled, he had never before heard Jelly speak of someone with anger in her voice. And obviously she knew the script writer well, for she addressed the woman by her first name. "Zara-san has quite a bit of energy. She seems like a good writer though and is very... considerate of the actors."

Jelly scoffed, "Right. Sure. Everyone likes Zara. But I can see her real personality beneath all her convincing lies."

Ren raised his eyebrows in wonder and asked the question he had been wondering throughout the whole conversation, "Why don't you like her anyway?"

A hand went to her head in a dramatic gesture, "It's a horrible story... are you sure you want to hear?" she turned her head to Ren but it was Setsu who answered.

"Can't you hurry up lady? I don't like Cain-niisan looking so bland. Plus, obviously no one cares about your stupid story."

Jelly gasped and small tears welling up in her eyes. Nodding silently, and realizing this was just an aspect of the Sestu's character, Jelly-san moved onto changing Ren's appearance.

She didn't say another thing the rest of the time they were in the make-up truck.

Achilles Heel (A skip beat fanfic, Setsu x Cain)Where stories live. Discover now