Chapter 15

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okay okay okay okay

Gravity_Piglet here... finally

After a few more scenes in which Setsu was not needed, a menacing glare was cast upon the crew by our heroine. Zara approached the intimidating girl and bowed slightly, speaking in English, "Do you think you're prepared to do the role now Heel-san?"

All Setsu replied with was a short nod and they tried the same scene again. Vae, washing the dishes, her hands scrubbing lazily at the plates and forks, Airi, rinsing and drying them. Fuyo moved forward, a sinister smile grinned at the blond girl. "Did you know that there are ghosts in this house? They were our ancestors and sometimes they come back for vengeance."

A stair creaks, startling Airi as she swings her head in the direction of the noise, her eyes wide in fear and anticipation, the dish tumbles from her hands and her brow furrows, a small gasp escaping her throat as the dish shatters at her feet. A fleeting grin stretches across Vae's face and then a concerned expression overtakes her face. Her eyes sparkling in humor as tremors rack through Airi. Vae takes her trembling hands in her own and comforts her, "I'm sorry Airi, I was only joking. I didn't know you were so terrified of ghosts. Look, why don't I clean this up and you can go join your friends and Cosoma playing a game."

A stuttering nod is all that Airi replies with and shuffles off the set, unsure footsteps and a cowering figure leaving through the door to the massive entertainment room. The director call out, "CUT!" and the rest of the actors and stage crew stares at the now confident form of Setsu which quickly replaced the cowering Airi. Their mouths hang open in awe and Setsu glares at them, "What are you looking at!" she snaps, turning smoothly to perch on the edge of her brother's knee.

Hours later, as the other actors vacated the room to return to make-up room to remove the layer of work of the day, Zara caught Setsu's brother by the arm and began a conversation with him. Setsu tried to catch up with him as he walked but was stopped by an iron grip on her arm, she turns to face Akimae, a quiet smile glittering in her eyes, she pulls Setsu down and whispers in her ear, "You are no amateur, are you Se-tsu-ch-an?"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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