Chapter 8

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Katherine had almost forgotten about the incident. Almost!. But that small portion she did remember didnot affect her much and she let it be. Her friends had been great help and she loved them for that. Tonight was their fun night and she didn't want it to be wierd.

The day had been very boring so far. Why wouldn't it be. Her teachers were the worse she had seen in her life, her favourite teacher was gone. She got transfered to a bigger school in the state. Mrs. Rogers was the best teacher Katherine ever had and her going away really upset her. 

Mrs. Rogers took them for Geography and she adored Katherine, maybe because she was extremely smart in Geography. Actually she was smart in everything. Even though she loved the geography teacher, her favourite subject was biology. Unfortunately her teacher was a egoistic, lustful, mental person. He had a thing for her but she hated him. He had tried to get her alone but fortunately her friends wouldn't let her be alone and crashed his idea.

Mr.Maxton was the worst teacher in the history of teaching  and he had other problems too. He was a drunkard, a gambler  and a abuser. She usually wondered how he got a job as a teacher. Such an ass!.

It could have been worse, she could have gotten Mr.Rosher. Now here was a teacher who made even the worst teacher lose hope. He just knew how to sleep and he was her Freshman year Biology teacher. She almost failed Biology that year, but thank god for Mrs. Rogers. She helped her through with the worst first year in high school.

She looked around her classroom and she could see bored faces everywhere. Her own group sat in a secluded area doing their own thing. The guys in her form were smiling at her while the cheerleaders were glaring at her. The hot and attractive Robert Banks was standing  in the corner watching her. He was the football captain, plus the most popular guy in the school. His dad was also the mayor of the town. Mr. Harold Banks. 

Robert Banks was the dream of every girls life but everyone knew he wanted Katherine. That's why the Cheerleaders hated Katherine. They all wanted robert and they couldnt have him. Katherine knew he liked her, actually the whole school knew it but she just could find space for him in her heart. She just didn't feel the same way about him and so she tried avoiding him as much as she could. He was known for getting whatever he wanted and she just didn't want it to go that far.

Robert smiled at her, that gorgeous killer smile and she just returned a normal " Hi, there!" smile to him. She stopped looking st him but she knew he was still starring. She decided to concentrate on what her friends were doing. Shyna was blabbering about a party she had been to over the weekend and another she would be going to this weekend. Nikki was daydreaming even though it looked like she was listening to Shyna. Katherine knew, Nikki never liked such stuff and her dream was spending her day playing all the different sports she could. Christine  was the writer and she was busy finishing up her latest novel. She already had her offer letter from Harvard to study Literature and Creative arts. She had her life all planned out and that made her the most efficient and settled girl in the group.

Nikki was different from the whole group and that was majorly because she was the only female in a family full of males. Her mum died when she was born and she she spent her life growing up with her older brother Jason and her dad Kem. Jason Rolesten was a final year Marine biology student at Kingston University in Tensin. He had a thing for Katherine and once again she didn't like a hottie like him. He was a perfect man. He was sweet, he was hot, he was just adorable, and smart and he would have a job after he finishes school which made him a steady guy. Yet  he didn't  make her feel like there were butterflies in her stomach. She thought of him as a brother, and it just made everything wierd. So she avoided this too.

Now that she thought about everything that was happening it seemed unreal.  She was a normal girl with a normal life where nothing interesting ever happened. Her fear seemed  unneeded. She thought she was quite foolish thinking about imainary things that had never happened, yet her mind would not register this as imagination. She passed the whole day thinking through things. Her mind wandered off to places she felt she had been to but she couldn't recall when.

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