Chapter 12

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The sunlight broke into her room, making it difficult for her to sleep. She tossed around in her bed trying to hide from the blinding sunlight. Suddenly a shadow stepped between her and the annoying sunlight. Katherine slowly opened her eyes. She looked up and found James standing there like her knight in black armor. He looked so adorable in his black T shirt and Jeans. His hair was unruly and it made him look hot. Suddenly she became conscious of her condition. She felt embarrassed because in comparison to him she was a mess.

“Morning” he said in a sweet and calming voice.

“You’re up early?” She asked him in a half sleep half excited voice.

“Yeah! It’s Sunday, I was gonna go for a tour of the town.” He told her calmly.

“Still not affected.” She thought.

“Oh… with whom? Someone special?” She asked angrily.

“Yeah! You.” He replied happily. He had a childish grin on his face.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. She could feel her cheeks burn and she didn’t need a mirror to know she was red.

“And James strikes again” She thought grimly.

“Hurry up! Get dressed! Really wanna know about this place. You town, your school, your life here, you” he said casually.

“Yeah, yeah… go out so I can get dressed.” She said in a lose hope voice.

“Why does he want me to show him the town? Can’t he see it himself? If he doesn’t like me why does he do stuff like that? This guy is making me crazy. Ahhhh!” She screamed in her head.

“Ok” he replied innocently and stepped out of the room closing the room door behind him.

Katherine quickly got dressed and went downstairs.


After 15 minutes she came down. Her parents weren’t home again. She went into the kitchen to get something to eat. As she entered, she found breakfast already made and a sugary letter next to it.

“Ah… and he strikes again. And this time he leaves his stupid sugary love letter” she yelled angrily. She picked it up and was about to throw it when she decided not to. She opened it and read it. Once and then twice.

This time it read:

“Morning Sleeping beauty! Hurry so we can go hang out. i'm waiting at the porch. I can’t let you go out without eating anything so I made you breakfast again. Enjoy!”

                                                            LOVE : JAMES :)

“The same love James and the same smiley face. Can’t he make up his mind.” She thought.

She didn’t understand why she was so angry at him but she was. She knew it wasn't a big deal but she still felt angry. She quickly finished her breakfast, which was just as good as the first time.

"Damn!!! this guy is awesome."  She thought, gulping down the last of the bacon. She put the dishes into the sink and made her way to the porch slowly. James was sitting on the step and watching the cars pass on the road. As soon as she opened the door he looked at her.

"So! you ready?" he asked sweetly.

" yeah" she replied in a don't care manner.

They began walking.

"So. how was the breakfast?" He asked softly. He had a very curious and cute look on his face.

She was about to lie to him, but she couldn't. He looked so cute so happy, she didn't want to hurt him.

Book 1: RealizationWhere stories live. Discover now