Chapter 1 - Sarah

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It's been a week since I found him. He is still unconscious. I wonder what might have happened to him. His silky black hair fell over his tanned face in a manner that made my heart stop. His body was scared with blows. He must have been in a battle. A gruesome battle. A few other men with the same Scars were found in other villages. 

Father was angry! I heard thunder yesterday. I hope brother is alright. He hasn't visited me for a long time. It's been ages since I have been home. Father has posted me onto earth to take care of the humans who have been over whelmed by the bad deeds. IT's been thousands of years, since I've seen my family.

It seems a lot is happening at home. If only I knew about it.

*Lucifer stirred* It seems he is waking up. Thank you, father!

"Water!" He whispered hoarsely.

Water! He needs water!

I rushed into my kitchen and came back with a glass of cold water. Helping him up , I helped him drink it down slowly. He slowly opened his eyes and looked towards me. I looked into his burning grey eyes and sat frozen.

"Thank you!" He said softly

I shook out of the frozen state and stood up abruptly. I walked into the kitchen awkwardly. Never had a human had an effect on me like this. He must be something special.

I walked into the room again and saw him sitting on the bed quietly. As soon as i entered the room, he swung his head towards me and his eyes met mine again.

I stopped in my track and stood engrossed by his gaze.

" Thank you , again" He said in a strong, melodious voice.

" It's my pleasure." I replied awkwardly. 

"My name is Lucifer, " He introduced himself.

I knew that name, Father always used to praise him. He is the archangel, Lucifer. 

"Lucifer! you're the archangel aren't you? what are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

" There is a war going on in heaven! I fell after a fight, injured me." He explained.

War! Is everyone okay?

"A war? Is father okay? Is Blaine okay? " I asked worriedly

"They are fine. " He said clamly

I felt relief flood through me. "How did this happen?" I asked him. 

" Rebels! Some of the angels turned against father." He stated angrily

" Oh my god! WHY! " I said in a shocked voice.

" Don't worry! They have been exiled from heaven!" He said happily.

" That's a relief." I replied, breathing out heavily.

I turned to look at him again. He was staring at me intently, his gaze boring holes into my head. I could feel my cheeks heat up, and so I looked away quickly.

"You should rest." I told him.

He smiled at me and shook his head slowly. 

"I should. You are Sarah! Blaine's sister. And the Girl created from the Father's Blood. right?" He asked curiously, smiling.

From the corner of my eye I could still see his eyes on me, studying me eagerly. I felt my heart rate increase and I felt suffocated. I had to get out of there.

"Yes! " I replied shyly. "You should rest now" I told him and ran out of my room shyly.


Many more weeks had passed and we had grown closer to each other. One of the other angels who had been injured during the war lived with us now. Blaine still hasn't come over to see me, but it didn't matter. I was too distracted by my new guest.

By the passing minute I was falling in love with him. His perfection made it difficult to ignore him. He was an angel and thinking that, I let myself fall, sure that he would catch me. 

It didn't take time for me to commit and soon after we were blessed. I was so happy that we had met. I was pregnant.

After 9 months I gave birth to twin boys. One looked exactly like Lucifer and the  other had my  greenish blue eyes and dark brown hair, otherwise they both looked exactly the same. 

Everything was going good, we were happy in our own little world. My little angels were growing up fast, and my love grew to unlimited levels for Lucifer.

The trouble began when Jr and Kitan were about to be 3 months. When i found out about my husband. About Lucifer. 

After a earthly year , Blaine came home. Lucifer and Harold were out when he came. He was really happy to find me married and with children.

" Who is the father?" He asked me excitedly.

"Lucifer! the Archangel father always talks about." I told him happily.

His face dropped and he lost his shine and went pale.

"What? He was banished from heaven a year ago. Him and a couple of other angels rebelled against father!" He told me devastedly.

"What? But. he .... oh my lord! " I sat down heavily.

"You married a cursed angel, Sarah. You know that your children will be cursed also." He told me sadly. " And father, will not be happy."

"I know!" I told him.

"Lucifer has been cursed to become a wolf by night. So will your sons. A monster who can't control his thirst." He explained.

" What has happened? What crime did I commit , that father has punished me so? Why?" I cried 

Thunder rumbled.

"You have done no crime my child. You have been blessed. Your sons will not suffer from the curse but it will be a gift for them. They will save the world in the future. Your eldest son will be the most powerful wolf, A Grand alpha, and your youngest will be conqueror of the darkness. They will live a long and fulfilling life. However...your sons will always have a dark side which I can't change, and once they defeat Lucifer, one of them will have to become the next Lord of Hell. A balance needs to be maintained. one of them will have to sacrifice their life." Came a loud rumbling voice from above. 

"Father!" I said sadly.

"Don't be sad, be strong" He Told me

"I will " I said after sniffles

The thunder was gone. 

"Oh! So they will defeat me? If I let them." Came a sinister voice.

I turned around to come face to face with Lucifer. He smiled at me cruelly.

"No! You can't kill your own sons!" i told him

"Why would I? Why destroy the two most powerful weapons in the world, when you can use them to conquer it." He said darkly. He moved towards the crib right behind me.

" You take them and go! I will hold him down." Blaine said quickly.

He pounced onto Lucifer instantly, leaving him a bit shook up but he quickly recovered.

I took both of my sons into my arms and ran towards the door. Lucifer pushed Blaine off and pounced on to me. He got hold of one of the golden blankets and pulled it hard. it slipped out of my hand and into his. Blaine got hold of him again.

"Go!!" He shouted urgently. I took Junior and ran. Kitan was left with Lucifer and all i wished was that Blaine would save him and he wouldn't fall into Lucifer's hands.

I ran to the next village. Never looking back. Never thinking about what was to come next.

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