Chapter 2 - Lucifer

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She was gone!

Here I was, injured and healing, but Kitan was with me. I decided to train him, make him loyal towards me and make him my own body guard.

I'm in Vitak with Harold and the other fallen angels. Harold and the others have married the local women. Some had one and others had plenty.

It was all a ploy. a fallen angel mating with a human created an army of the most powerful predators.

An army! Exactly what I needed.

It might be small right now but someday it'll be huge and that day I shall take over this land of weak humans and defeat Father. How dare he kick me out of my home! I belong there!

I turned around and looked at the mini me standing next to me.

This kid and his brother are the most powerful creatures to be ever born.  

A union between a cursed fallen angel and an archangel, created a new generation of Gods. He will turn the game around. Everything will be according to plan. I need to find the white light, they say she has been reborn. I cannot let her be found, she is the only one who can kill me.

Her blood on the sword of light wielded by an angel of death is the only way to kill me!

I already have the sword of light in my possession, locked away in the depths of hell. Killing her is just to confirm my safety.

Even though I'm immortal, but Father still came up with a way to kill me.

Father is weak, his love for humans has made him useless. Humans are such weak, pathetic beings.

We are powerful, and strong. We could rule the world but he wants us to serve his pets! I wasn't the only one who felt betrayed and that's what caused the riot. My brethren who knew whatever was going on was wrong followed me and our fight for our rights began

~5 years later~

I don't know whats wrong with Harold. He is changing. Ever since that girl died he has been acting strange. He even left the pack, and Those loyal to him left with him. He is foolish and if he thinks leaving me will bring him his girl back then he is stupid.

Kitan has grown fast.

It's been almost 5 years since Sarah ran away with my youngest son. He must be just as old as Kitan. Look exactly like him as well, except for the eyes maybe.

Kitan looks like a ten year old and behaves quite like one too regardless of the fact that he is just 5.

however he is faster and stronger then all the other pack members, even the older ones. T

hey say he looks a bit like me, almost the same facial features. If that is so then he will grow up to be a handsome man. 

I now spend most of my time staying in my castle, sorting out the responsibilities as the Lord. Yes! A castle. I have a grand army now, but i'm waiting for the right moment. That moment when I have my other son and the white light, then during a the blood moon I can sacrifice her and will be granted with power to create an even bigger army as well as to destroy my biggest weakness.

But for now, we need to leave Tensin. I hear a rebel army is getting ready to kill me. I'm not afraid but i need to keep my army number as it is. I hear the angels are supporting the rebels. They have found a way to kill our off springs.

A fallen angel and a human give birth to Lycans, a hybrid, half human half wolf creature which has no control over his thirst. Some have even given birth to pale looking human-like creatures who survive on sucking humans dry, the humans call them vampires.

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