Chapter 9

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She waited and waited and waited yet nothing happened. When she opened her eyes she found him looking at her with amusement in his grey eyes. She didn't get why he didn't kiss her. So she waited for answer.

"There's a twig in your hair." He said calmly. He took it out and accidently his fingers touched her skin and a electrical current ran through her body.

"Thanks," She replied, Nervously. Her voice was shaky and she felt like she was burning.


He put his bags down and examined the room with a new perspective. He would be living with a girl in this room, for the first time in this lifetime. He sat down on his bed and looked at Katherine with a curious look on his face. He had tried to examine her but he found her to be the same. Just like all the other lifetimes, she was angry at him in the beginning and then she would eventually fall irrevocably in love with him. He found this quite amusing because he could hear everything going on in her mind. It was a wolf thing, mates were suppose to have a mind link.  Yet his lovestory was dfferent from other wolf lovestories. Their lovestories were written by fate. In their lovestories,they fell in love, they mated and then they died. But his was written by god himself. In his lovestory, He was born with a destiny. A destiny to live and die for his mate over and over again until the purpose of their birth had been fulfilled. He still wasn't sure what exactly their purpose of birth was, but he knew he had to keep living and dying until it was finished.

He didn't realize he had been daydreaming. He looked at katherine again, she was still standing there. She was in shock. She had been thinking about him kissing her. He wanted to but he was waiting for her to realize and remember. She stood still and soon her mind was working on overdrive.

" What just happened?" She thought to herself. " You were throwing your self onto him, again." Her subconscious taunted her.

"So.. can't he like me. m I that bad? Or is that I'm not worth him?" She answered back. "Do you really need me to tell you that.?" Her subconscious Asked her.

She went red with anger and she turned to look at him with a menancing glare. "That jerk of a rich brat!!. He is so arrogant, selfish , so idiotic. So many people fall for me and he thinks i'm not good enough for him!!... OHH....He is dead. He will run screaming from the room after i'm through." She thought angrily. She walked over to her bed and sat down on it.

James was enjoying this and it really was quite amusing. He looked at her with a loveydovey look. 

" Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"Yes, I'm fine" She fired back.

"Damn you are angry" he thought.

"What! Who said it? whats going on.?... " she thought in a scared  and confused way.

He smiled. He had made her feel like she was losing her head but in reality he had been transferring his thoughts into her mind. Yet he did not Transfer all. He knew how to block her out. she had yet to learn it. A wolf knows it from birth but someone who is mated to a wolf and is not a wolf has to learn from their mate. He had taught her but that was in the previous lifetime and he had to start overagain in this one.

He felt sorry for her and decided to act a bit nicer then usually.

" you go freshen up.  you look kinda tired. i think i popped up at the wrong time. sorri." he told her sweetly.

"ohhh.. how sweet!" She thought sarcastically. She would have said to his face but she was way to intimidated by the newcomer. She barely knew him. She got up and just barged into the bathroom to get her mind cooled down. She just wanted to feel her normal self again, not a overexcited teenager who had a major crush on a very cute, overly hot and extremely arrogant rich Brat.

Book 1: RealizationWhere stories live. Discover now