Chapter 14

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They returned home at 6:30 in the afternoon. By the time they had returned, it seemed they were both getting along quite well. She was lovesick and so was her subconscious. They treaded up the driveway, hand in hand. Her parents were home and they sat on the porch drinking tea. This was their routine on a Sunday. To Katherine it seemed that they were unaffected by their absence.

“How is this happening? My overprotective parents are not worried.” She thought. She was getting annoyed by the sudden changes in the reactions of people she usually knew. She gave herself a massive face palm.

“Something wrong?” James asked in the good boy tone.

“No. Nothing’s wrong. I just remembered something.” She replied casually. “I’m getting good at this; He doesn’t affect me that much anymore. Yes!!!” She thought happily.

They walked up to the porch, and Jonathan looked up. She expected him to blow his top about how worried he was but instead he came over and hugged James and Katherine with a huge smile on his face.

“Great! ... You two are home. We were waiting for you to arrive.  We have some very good news.” Jonathan chirped excitedly. He released them and waited for a response.

“Ohh … What news, Uncle John?” James asked innocently. He always called Jonathan, Uncle John.

Katherine still stood Baffled by the sudden change. “What is going on? What’s with the guy?” She thought confused. She looked James up and down.

“Kathy, are you listening? Is something wrong?” Judy asked in a concerned voice.

“Yeah … I am. What’s the news?” She quickly asked her dad to avoid any other probing question.

“Well… You know Mr. Benson, the owner of the Heaven hotel chain. He has agreed to meet me to discuss our Collaboration.” He said happily.

“That’s great news, Dad!” Katherine said excitedly. She hugged him again.

“That is some pretty good news. So… Our treat for great news like that.” James Said jokingly.

Jonathan laughed. “How about we go for a picnic next weekend. Kathy, you ask your friends to come along, they get to know James and he won’t feel alone.” Jonathan replied.

“Yeah, dad. They’ll love to meet him” She said it teasingly. She looked at him and smiled cheekily.

“I’d love to meet them” James replied in a mock innocent tone.

“Great! Then it’s settled. Your mum and I will be leaving on Friday and return on Saturday in the morning. And then, on Sunday we’ll go for the picnic.” Jonathan said proudly. He had just had the most amazing idea.

“Yes dad that’s a great idea” Katherine said laughingly. She found her dad very amusing. He was always very playful.

“Ok. Forget about that. How was your trip around Tensin?” He asked.

“It was…” Katherine stopped half way.

“Okay. Enough of this.  You two go upstairs and freshen up. Dinner will be served in an hour and that’s when you can question them.” Judy said maturely. She was the mature one, and they made a great couple because of that.

All of them departed the porch, and each went to their respective areas to take care of whatever task they had before meeting at the round table for dinner.


At 7:30 everyone met in the dinning area for dinner. Her mum had made her famous ginger chicken. She loved it and so did everyone else who ever tasted it. It was awkward for the first few minutes, as they all sat silently watching their plates. Then her dad began his questions.

Book 1: Realizationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें