chapter 20

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Lucifer stood on the cliff overlooking Tensin and watched the wolf army grow in size, creating a barrier of protection against the oncoming storm. It has been a long time since he had been in Tensin. He treasured many memories linked with the place, both good and bad.

Mirthesus came over to stand behind Lucifer. He bowed to him.

"What is it? " Lucifer asked coldly.

"Sire! We have bad news." He informed

"What bad news?" Lucifer growled

"We. We have lost the girl and the protector." He replied softly.

"What!! How?" He screamed in rage.

"Jarkah is dead. He was killed by the ... protector. Now we don't know where they are." Mirthesus explained.

"Aahhh!" Lucifer Screamed in anger. "Useless!!!! All of you useless" He continued.

"I'm sorry sire." Mirthesus apologised.

"Sorry? If you want to live, find them!!! Now!!!!" He threatened them.

All the commanders scattered off in fear. Lucifer stood watching the sight. After a while he called Kitan.

"Kitan" Lucifer called.

"Yes, My lord" Came the reply from a hooded figure.

"Call all the armies back. We return to the castle at once. Then you go and find them." He ordered

"Yes, My lord" Kitan replied.

He walked off into the darkness.

"Aahhh! This protector... is a menace. This time I will kill them as such that they shall never rise again. Never!" Lucifer decided.


From the window Katherine watched the clouds float by. She was travelling away from her the life she had known this lifetime just like all the other times she had done in her previous lifetimes. She sat in her seat thinking about her parents and friends. Every time she had to leave them, but this time it was just for some time. This time she was going to come back to finish living the life she had to abandon.

James came back from the bathroom and saw the look on Katherine's face. He didn't like to see her like that. He was ready to do anything possible to bring the happiness back on her face. He sat down and took hold of Katherine's hand. Katherine looked at him and smiled softly.

"Are You okay?" James asked her

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about home." Katherine replied

"We'll go back home. I promise." James told her

"Will we?" She asked him

"Yes. I'll make sure that we will." James replied.

That was all she wanted to know and that was all she needed to know. Her heart warmed at the thought of going back home and relaxed. She put her head onto James's shoulder and tried to sleep.

"I love you." James told her softly.

"I love you too, Jamie!" Katherine told him cutely.

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