Chapter 2

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Isabella's POV

   The only thing about flying is you are at the mercy of the weather and it was not my friend today. I was supposed to get in yesterday but because of a storm I didn't get in until 4am and was expected to be at Brantley's house at 6am to leave on the bus. So I texts Jeff and let him know what has went on and that I  will be driving down with a rental from the airport if someone can take it back. I will be getting there with enough time to load the bus before we have to leave out at 6am. I got in the SUV after stopping at Starbucks. I love the south no matter what time of year and was so glad that i was born and raised in  it. I have the radio on but this morning i need music to soothe me, not radio talk no matter how much i love Bobby Bones. So I  plugged in my phone and turned it on Kenny and let the miles roll to the new adventure. My thoughts  turn toward meeting Brantley Gilbert and sharing a bus with him for this next year. I am a fan of his music, it speaks to my soul. I understand the songs about living in a small town and of heartbreak. I heard him make the comment of you have listened to his albums then you know him because they are chapters of his life. I really likes that about him, he writes or help writes every song.I listen to the GPS and should be pulling in the driveway in a few minutes. Back Where I Come From starts to play and I am singing along as I pull in the drive and park the SUV, sitting waiting for the song to end before I get out. Jeff comes over and opens the door and starts to talk and I hold my hand up and finish the song. I look at Jeff and said" I'm sorry but I had to finish the song, it's just something I do." Jeff grins and tells me he is the same way. He asks how many bags do I have and I tell him 4 that 3 of them are equipment and then just 1 suitcase of clothes. He looked at me like I was crazy. Then he said let's get the bags out and see what you want on the bus and what you want underneath. I told him it was easy I had them marked already if I had enough room to store on the bus. Jeff takes me to the bus and shows me my bunk and it is a nice size plenty big enough for me. I mean when you are 5 foot tall and weigh 100 pounds you don't take up a lot of space. I put my back pack on the bunk and then Jeff said that he had BG clear out a couple of drawers for me and showed me where they were located. I asked if there was a cabinet that my camera equipment could go in and Jeff showed me that and it would hold my small video camera and my digital cameras and chargers. The rest could go under the bus and that was how I had packed everything. So I had the camera equipment settled and pulled out enough clothes to go in the drawers and hung up my clothes in closet he said was mine and I was ready to go. I grabbed the video camera and thought I could start recording some of BG as he left his house going on tour. I walk off the bus and start rolling just as BG came out with his bags and I film him getting in the bus and then I pan back to his house and get on of the bus. Jeff tells me to come on that I need to meet BG and everyone. I take my camera off my shoulder and walk with Jeff to the bus. Jeff introduces me to the bus driver Earl and BG's band members and then this really tall muscle man walks up and Jeff said this is head of security and his name is PJ. If you need anything just let him know. I shake everyone's hands and tell them it was really nice to meet them. Jeff takes me on the bus and BG is sitting at the front in a recliner holding his dog Sy. He stands when I walk in the bus and Jeff said," Isabella this is Brantley, Brantley this is Isabella. I'm gonna go see if everyone is ready to roll out and y'all can get acquainted. PJ and I are riding the band bus until we meet up with the others. So I will see y'all when we stop." BG told him that was fine and that he'd see him later. BG told me to have a seat so I did in the recliner next to him. I turn to him and he turns to me as Earl starts the bus moving. He said," you can call me Brantley, BG or even B. I tend to answer to all of them" I grin and said," well I have some call me Iz, Bella, Bell, or my whole name but no one calls me Izzy, that's something I won't tolerate."
Brantley tells me," I don't like to be called Brant, it's too close to Bratt" I laugh and he smiles at me and then is when I realize I am in trouble cause that smile is real and took my breath away.

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