chapter 1

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"Beep Beep" I shut my alarm clock off and got out of bed and showered. I put on a pink mini skirt and a white blouse that showed a hint of cleavage. I dried my long brown locks and curled my hair. I applied some strawberry lip gloss and headed out the door.

I heard honks and I smelled French fries I sucked in some New York for the first time. I took a cab to NYC my university. I arrived as usual Lily was waiting for me.

"Morning sunshine you look great" she said grabbing my hand.

"Thanks"I said blushing and walking toward our first class.

"I have news darling"she sung throwing her stuff down at our usually spot.

"Matt said he could get us into the cool underground boxing he says it worth the watch.... So wanna go" she said with that wild look in her eyes.

"I'm in only if I get my popcorn" I said putting our foreheads together. Matt was Lily's boyfriend he knew every knock and cranny of New York.

After some classes and a salad at lunch me and Lily prepared for tonight. We took a cab to a alley way when we burst through the door. It smelled of liquor there was gambling and cussing.

We made our way towards our seats then the speaker came on the crowd wet wild.

A tall and masculine female came out long black hair. It was cut short on the sides and the front went over her eyes.


Then a tall blonde came out she wasn't masculine but was fit. Her pint in a ponytail.


The first bell ring at they went at it the blonde was fast and quick. But the black haired girl had stamina and strength.

The black haired punched and knocked her opponent to the other side of the ring. She won the we watched some more rounds of other people.

"Hey lily I'm going to make a call ill be back" I said walking toward the exit. I didn't have to make a call my head ached from the screaming.

I heard a loud thumb in a room down the hall. I walked down to see that girl with the short black hair. She was in pain I could tell her hand was swollen.

"Are you okay " I said at the doorway. She looked up at me her eyes were a memorizing green. She got up and came toward me I had to look up at her I was even at her small chest.

She grabbed me and pulled me in the room and locked the door. She pinned me against the wall looking me up and down.

"Whats your name cutie" she smirked. My cheeks were hot I blushed looking down. She lift my chin up and looked at me.

"I'm Tori" I said softly still blushing.

"Well Tori what is a pretty girl like you doing at a place like this"

"I was invited" I said trying not faint from how close she was.

She put her hand up my mini skirt and rubbed my inner thigh.

"Oh I don't think I can control myself" she said smirking. She put her hand under my shirt and through my bra and grabbed my D cups. She kissed my neck giving me a hickey.

"Stop it" I moaned....." We just meant she picked me kissing me and we landed on a couch she started undressing me but I pushed her and got up.

"Stop it" I said catching my breath my face was flushed. She got up and she catching her breath to.

"Sorry I'm Paige and I like you" she said pushing the hair out her eyes.

"What why we never meet" I said fixing my bra. She sighed and plopped on the couch.

"I watch you walk to school and ....I watch when you work at the antique shop too" she said looking at me.

"You do.... But I'm not a lesbian and..." I let the sentence fall. She got up and hugged me and whispered.

"I don't care I want you" my legs turned to jelly.

"Let me take you home and on date we'll see how it goes give me chance.
She held my waist smiling like a idiot.

"Okay" I whispered.

She changed into a t shirt and skinny jeans. She had a motorcycle it was shiny and black.

"Hop on" she gave me a helmet we drove to my place. I got off and she put it in park.

"Tomorrow night ill come get you well have dinner at my place" she said giving me a kiss.

"You can cook " I said surprised. She smirked and grabbed my waist.

"No but I can get take out" she grinning.

"Just dinner and we cant go further than that" I said backing out her embrace.

"Awe okay no further than a kiss and a little breast touching" she winked.

"Because with your big soft ones I can't control myself" she looking flushed.

"Don't say those things out loud " I said still flushed from what happened.

"Fine but that's it" I said covering my chest.

"Great" she said. She hoped on her bike and took off and full speed down the street.

I went into my apartment and examined my breasts they were big. When I was taking off my shirt a piece of paper slipped out. I read it. I laughed to myself her name and number were written on the paper.

I ran to my phone and dialed the number.

"Those breasts our for good use"

"You are so sneaky"

"See you tomorrow"


"Night Tori"

"Night Paige"

The call ended I but my lip wondering what tomorrow will bring.

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