chapter 7

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(Paige POV)

I woke up the morning light peeking threw my blinds. I looked down at my treasure and smiled. I'll surprise her with breakfast in bed today. I moved and put a pillow in my spot.

Making my way to the kitchen I pulled out things needed for pancakes. I never cooked before it can't be hard right.

After making the batter I poured some on the frying pan. My phone buzzed from Riley texting me about lily and their passionate night.

"Hey babe" tori said while yawing and rubbing her eyes. God did she look hot in my shirts.

"Morning how you sleep" I chuckled while pulling her closer. She was so beautiful I wonder if she remember that day we meet.

"Omg!!!!!!!  Something burning" she yelled. I rushed to the pancakes and flipped them over.

"Go and freshen up while I make food" I shooed her away smacking her ass earning a glare and a pout.

(10 minutes later)

"This looks yummy" tori said looking at the burned glop drowning in syrup and unevenly cut strawberries.

"You don't have to eat I wanted to be romantic and surprise you" I pouted while crossing my arms.

"No babe I'll eat and  thanks for the surprise I love it" she smiled and took a bite. Her eyes watered and her face turn pale and she spit out chugging her juice.

"They don't taste that bad you have a weak stomach" I scowled and took a bite. I spit it out repeating her actions it taste like coal with syrup.

"IHOP it is" I say while grabbing my keys and wallet. Tori followed behind  laughing her ass off at me.

"It was a nice gesture babe but stick to boxing for now" she teased and kissed my cheek. This is what I love about her she so considerate and I can be myself around her instead putting up walls.

Walking to my car hand and hand I notice little things about her like when she bites her lips when she nervous and plays with her hair when she concentrated on school work.

"Thank you what a gentleman" she giggled while I held the door open for her.

"So Paige can I ask u a question" she says biting her lip and looking out the window.

"You just did" I smirked causing her to sigh and roll her eyes.

"Seriously but anyway you said you watch me at work and follow me home have we meet before" she stares at me confused her nose scrunched up.

"You don't remember do you what happen a year ago" I sighed pulling up to Ihop.

"Wait we've met before" she asked shocked and confused.

"Yep but that's for another day now let's eat some pancakes" I smirked getting out.

"Wait tell me now" she shouts catching up to me and pouting arms crossed.

"Mabye another day my love" I hummed and kissed her forehead. I hope she remembers that one day that made me fall for her.

*flashback to a year ago*

It was a chilly day in the big apple and Paige was on the rooftop her current home staring off at the view. She was hungry so she decided to get a snack from the market down the street.

She walked and saw a pretty girl getting milk she was stunning mindlessly Paige watched her pay and walk out she ended up following the young woman .

Two men appeared out of no where and attack the woman jumping into action Paige took out the men with no trouble considering she towered over them.

"Thanks you saved you life what's your name" the woman asked .

"Your okay and I was just passing by my names Paige nice to meet ya" she smirked at the women.

"Thank you really what can I do-

"It's okay really and  I gotta go see you around mabye"

"Wait here take this and good night " the woman walked away Paige held a envelope she opened to money and a note from the woman.

Dear no name I see you at night sometimes on a roof and I watch you from afar I'm guessing your struggling at the moment take this money I hope it will help you out

Sincerely tori

Standing there shocked Paige wonder how can someone be so thoughtful to a person she never met chuckling  to herself and walking away to go get her snack as planned thinking of the woman she now longed for.

Hey guys here's a update and happy very late Christmas and thanks for read and sorry for any mistakes🎄🎄🎉🎉🎊🎁🎁😁💜💙💕💯

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