chapter 3

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"Ready" lily looking at me concerned eyes. I was really worried about Paige getting hurt. Thinking about brings me to tears.

"Yea" we enter the place again beer and cussing hits me all over again. I told Lily to grab our seats while I  go check on her. I open the door to Paige she was in a black bra with blue shorts wrapping her hands.

"Hey"i say closing the door behind me. Paige embraces me and picks me up. We sit in the couch with me in her lap.

"You've got to stop doing that" I say chuckling.

"Not my fault your so light" she smirks.

"Have you come to get me hyped" she says rubbing my back.

"Your so full of it.....and a kiss is as good as it gets" I say reading her. She leans in and kissed me her soft pink kips on mind feels right somehow.

"Thanks I already feel like a winner" she says with a grin. I roll my eyes and hug her goodbye.

I get to my seat and I see Paige opponent a tall dark haired woman with tattoos covering her arms. The match starts and Paige and her dance around the ring she hits Paige sending her to the ground but Paige is fast she rolls before she can get a hit Paige strikes but missed she punched Paige in the stomach weaken her then she hit Paige face I hear a crack there was blood streaming down the right side of her face she blacks out the girl won.


"Hey you okay" I was laying with Paige on her couch she had a wound going down to her ear. She winced in pain trying to get up.

"What happen my head feels like someone beat me with a brick"

"You were hit pretty bad they stitched you up and sent you home" I notice tears were coming down my face.

"Whats wrong tori" she kissed my tears and pulled me close.

"I was so worried that  t....hat y..ou were" I say crying into her shoulder.

"I'm okay I promise" she pulled me away looking into my eyes.

"Okay"i wiped my face and cuddling up to her.

"That's the worse thing I could see"

"What" I asked confused.

"To see you crying" she stroked my hair and laced our fingers together. She kissed my forehead and I drifted of. I woke up and I was laying on top of Paige who was still asleep.

She looked peaceful I was ran my hand through her raven black hair it was so soft. She woke up looking me straight in the face I never noticed how green her eyes were they were so memorizing.

"There's a sight I like to wake up to" she teased.

"Really then why are your eyes on my chest instead of on my face" I said leaning her chin up. We both laughed and gazed at one another.

"Wanna shower with me" she whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. I pushed her looking into those green eyes with lust and nervousness in them.

"Woah you attack me twice then you ask me for a shower" I teased thumping her injury. She laughed and picked me up running to the bathroom.

"You forget that I'm a boxer hun" she winked. She sets me down and backs me to the sink.

"We cant your injured" I pushed her back and walking out. She followed behind wrapping her arms around my waist.

"You use my injury as an excuse" she smirked while twirling my lock around her finger.

"No it just that I'm not ready or experienced"

"But I am and trust me I can please you" she winked. I roll my eyes walk to her kitchen. She sits on a bar stool staring at me with her deep luscious green eyes. They were the color of a fallen leave during the fall. They darken when she sexually aroused.

"What would you like to eat" I opened her fridge attempting to make food. I was a waitress but I didn't know how to cook well somewhat.

"Dose your" ------"DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT" I cut her off pointing at get with my face flushed with redness. She burst out laughing and wiping away tears.

"Your face is priceless" she said in between laughs.

"So not funny like at all" I punched her in the arm.

"Is that anyway to treat a sickly person" she said innocently.

"Says this sickly person who tried to get into my pants" I spat back at her. We both cracked up laughing till our side hurt. We were interrupted by a knock.

"Hey can I come in" it was a girl she I peeked around the corner to see a girl the same height as Paige with blonde hair in a pixie cut and grey eyes she wasn't as buff as Paige but she was a close second.

She walked in and hopped I a stool at the counter.

"Who's the cutie with the rack" she winked licking her lips.

"This is tori she only 19 so back off you perv and she's my cutie" she shot at back at the woman.

"Tori this is my sister Riley and guardian"

"Hey don't make me sound old I'm only 26"

"Yea which makes her way to young for you"

They argued back and forth until Riley gave out.

"We need to talk about him"

"Whats he done this time"

"He's the one who rigged the fight she wasn't some boxer of the street she was a professional in training"

"That old fart lost me some big money"

"Hey um tori I think you should go home ill come by and get you tonight I need to take care of some things" she walked me to the door and gave me a light peck.

Who is this person there talking about is what went through my mind on the way home.

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