Chp 6: Confrontation

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The letter said,"dear Meher, I know where you are, and soon I will come again to scare the hell out of you, I will destroy you because the one who says no to Akshat always repents, be ready, your fiance, Akshat." No, I can't let him do more damage to her, he did a lot, I took responsibility of her so I have to fulfill it. I ran from the ward to my cabin and made arrangements to go to Bhishnupur along with Meher so that she's safe. Thank God I took the letter before she could read it.

So I made arrangements to live in a farmhouse, Akshat will never know where is she. I went back to her ward and asked her grandmother to pack everything of her's as I need to shift her somewhere else. I promised to tell her everything and she packed all the stuff. I looked at Meher who was lost somewhere, her gaze shifted everywhere time to time and then it stopped on that sketch. I immediately picked it and gave it to her, I made her hold the lighter and she herself lit the sketch and watched it burn.

She smiled after doing so. "I am feeling better now," she said smiling with tears in her eyes, I smiled at her in return. "If you ever need a friend to talk to, remember I m always there," I said and she hugged me suddenly by my waist. "Thank you doctor, you are the best," she said and kissed me on cheek. I touched my cheek and then looked at her. Her grandmother was done with packing and we took her from there outside the hospital and damn it! Akshat is here.

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