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Brandon often sat and watched his best friend  stress from work and he hated seeing her this way. It did not help that he was head over heels for the female who unknowingly, had him wrapped around her finger. But the girl literally overworked herself trying to perfect ever single thing she did even when she didn't have to. And her only way to relieve any stress was to play basketball. Yes, Brandon thought that was an effective way, but he also felt that just one night in would make everything just a little bit better. But he knew that this question could either go one of two ways. She could agree or she could take offense to it.

"Hey, Xavier I think that I'm gonna, call it an early night. I have work tomorrow and you know how that entire process goes. I mean I have the worst co-workers in history. I swear to the good Lord above that I'm just gonna, quit and be like Ayesha Curry. And you could be my Stephen Curry. I swear it'll all work out somehow."

Laughing at the younger females, random sayings, Brandon had to ask her what she meant by that.

"Have you not seen Ayesha? She is B-A-D. She's out here being successful. She slays all the time. She has her own YouTube channel, which is the bomb and I stay watching it. You can thank her for the many meals I've made for you before. You know that Mango Lemonade I made for you? Yep, that was Ayesha. That homemade whip cream I made for me, but you ate. You can thank her for that.And I think she made a panini, once I'm not sure. See, that's how much I watch her videos. But you can thank her. She's about to be a judge on that one show on the Food Network Channel. She's got a cookbook  out as well. So be expecting,  new meals for you to try. But, tell me why she shouldn't be a role model for all young females."

"And you wonder why I question most of your thinking? You just sat here and ran down a list of things about Ayesha Curry. Are you positive that you should, be driving at this time?" Brandon questioned

"If there's one thing about me, that anybody NEEDS to know it's that I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. So yes, Xavier I'm positive that I can drive at this time of night. You tried it fam."

"Leigh why don't you just stay the night here? The both of us are free tonight. We can just, you know Netflix and Chill."

"Excuse me? Can we do Netflix and what?"

The young woman was about a lot of things. But Netflix and Chill weren't one of them. She just wasn't, raised that way at all. If she wanted to do anything of that sort with Brandon , she would gladly let him know. And he knew that as well so, for him to try that whole Netflix and Chill thing on her pissed her off to another level.

"Seriously Brandon ... Netflix and Chill? You know exactly how I feel about, that whole situation. I've never fought you before, but I'm about to show you just how male friendly my hands are."

"Baby girl, you know I wouldn't try anything like that with you. I have way too much respect for you and I let you know, that if we ever came to that bridge that it was up to you if we crossed it."

Folding her arms across her chest the woman stood in front of the older man, "Then explain yourself Brandon Xavier Ingram. And you better not lie to me either"

She wanted to see how he was gonna, get himself out this mess that he had created. She had told time and time again to think about all the possible outcomes, of the things he asked. She told him that for every cause there was an effect. But as she could see he didn't take those speeches into mind when he asked her to Netflix and Chill.

"Ok, what I meant was I see how you're stressed out from work and yes basketball is a very efficient way to relieve stress. But I think a night in with your best friend, would do you absolute wonders. We aren't gonna, do anything that you don't want to happen and if it makes you feel more comfortable I'll sit on the floor while you sit on the couch. Now you go get changed, into something and meet me back out here."

Nodding her head at the idea, she gave him a quick 'ok' before making her way down, the hallway of his apartment towards his room. She grabbed the first shirt of Brandon's that she saw and made her way towards the bathroom.

"Alright. This is Netflix and Chill best friend edition nothing is gonna, happen unless you want it to. Brandon, has more respect for you than that. Keep calm and carry on." She coached as she threw her hair into a quick ponytail making her way back into the living room.

"You good now baby girl? I hope you know, that I meant no disrespect when I asked you that. I was just genuinely concerned for you."

"Xavier, it's fine. I just had to clarify what you meant by it, but just know it's fine."


"Very. Now can you turn on Being Mary Jane. I missed most of the first couple of seasons, and I need to catch up before I can start watching the new season."

Nodding his head at the woman Brandon sat on the floor just as he promised. Although he didn't understand, why they had to be seated this way seeing as they had been friends for nearly 3 years. But he always wanted her to be comfortable, when she was around him. And just like that they started, to watch television. But as soon as they got 8 episodes in he had decided to get her attention. "You and I both know that this is about to turn into a chill session because you're gonna, start asking me questions and soon Being Mary Jane will be forgotten about."

"Boy, if you don't take that ish, somewhere else. You know that Being Mary Jane is my everything. As soon as this is over you can have my full undivided attention."

"But this is a serious question. I need to ask you this while I have this morsel of pride."

"What is it, Ingram. I hope you aren't about to turn this friendly Netflix and Chill into the alternative meaning of it."

"No, I'm not about to do that. But I wanted to tell you something."

"Go ahead."

"I like you. I have for the past two years. I just never had the courage to tell you. And I was wondering if you would do me the pleasure of being not only my best friend, but my girlfriend?" Brandon asked only to be met with silence "So is that a no. Well, this is awkward, if it is." 

"It's about time you asked! I was starting to think I was ugly. But yes, Brandon I'll do you the pleasure of being your girlfriend."

Getting up from his seat on the floor, Brandon went to go sit by least he thought he was.

"Um, what are you doing?"

"We're dating now.So I was coming to sit with you so we can finish watching the show."

Throwing her head back in laughter she, turned towards her best friend and newly made boyfriend "Which is exactly, why we're going back to our seating positions. Netflix and Chill between, two people who are dating does not turn out well."

"This is stupid, why are you like this."

"No, it isn't. We started this Netflix and Chill session as best friends and that's how we're gonna finish it. Now cheer up buttercup and press play."

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