KingPin(K.O. ) Special Edition Update

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Kelly had met her while he was visiting her state. Chance was a simple student majoring in Pre-Law with a minor in photography, while being a majorette dancer.  Kelly had saw her at a store that he happened to be passing by. Chance's beauty had taken him by surprise, and he knew one thing. That he wanted her. And he got her. Putting effort into impressing her was easy. He took her out on many dates, showered her with the simple things that a woman desired. But what really mattered to Chance was the time, respect and chase he put into getting to her.  That was the part that, meant more to her. She  could care less about all of those or the things he got her. She  admired  the chase. Chance had assumed, that Kelly was apart of a big corporation business from the time they had met. So to say that she, was a mixture of surprised and shocked to find out exactly what business he was apart of.

Kelly was the kingpin of an international drug market, expanding through out both Central South America,  The Islands and parts of Asia. He was their supplier.  He only gave the best of the best. Chance herself wouldn't have even known that he was a kingpin, by the way that he carried himself and operated his business. He kept everything about his business low key, even though it was major. Kelly had always managed to keep the important things to him on the low. And the most important thing to him was Chance. She was the one thing that he especially kept private. Kelly had stated on multiple occasions, that if anything would happen to the woman, because of his line of work he might have lost his mind. That's how much the young woman meant to him.  Chance had so much power over the man that, if she asked him to go into a different line of work, he would leave it all behind for her. 

Kelly had asked the woman for her hand in marriage, only after 10 months of dating. So he settled down in Maryland while Chance, finished off the rest of her time in college. That was one thing that he always told her, that education was important and something he wish he could get more of. Not even two weeks after she graduated they had tied the knot on the wedding of her dreams, that had been two years in the making. And off to Colombia, they went.  

Kelly and Chance, had a type of love. Even though she was only 20 and him, 22. They had no regrets on marrying as young as they did. While they  both feared, that one they would wake up, regretting making a permanent solution to temporary feelings. That moment never came.  Of course there were pros and cons to being, married to a kingpin like fear of him dying, not spending much time with him. But the worst part of it for Chance, was how immune she had, became to the amount of drugs, guns and death she became. She had became, that perfect wife Kelly needed next to him.  She always made sure he wsa careful with his moves. Using her law degree to its fullest, she made sure she new every law like the back of her hand. Just in case Kelly needed it, she was always ready to protect and go to war for her husband.  But everyone knew sooner or later,  someone would have to pay in this dangerous game Kelly was playing in


4 years later

"Chance, white flag. " Kelly muttered

" What?"

"White Flag."

"No, Kelly no! I'm not leaving you!  You can not make me leave you, you are my husband I refuse to leave you."

"Chance, you don't have a choice. The plane is ready and waiting, you're going back to the United States." 

"You, can't make me leave. I'm my own person and I can do whatever I feel like. I knew what I signed up when I agreed to marry you. When I said I do. I knew what I was singing up to. How dare you try to send me back to the States, this is my home!  Why are you trying to make me leave?"

"Because I care and love you. That's why, and I don't want you in this house when it goes down. I don't want you getting hurt Chance.  Do you think I wanna let you go? No, but if something happens to you. I'll lose my mind, so the best option was for me to send you home."

The Book Of Ingram x Oubre Jr.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora