Decisions(Ft. Brandon Ingram and Quinn Cook)

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"When did she get with Quinn?" Brandon whispered

Who told her she could get a nigga?

What the hell is really going on, around here?

Who told her to get with Quinn?

She some type of Duke fetish? 

These were the question running through Brandon's mind as he sat in the room with his best friend  Karter. He had been going through her Instagram when he finally noticed that the familiar brown skinned man kept showing up.

"Karter." He called grasping her attention

" Hm?"


" Quinn, what?"

"Quinn Cook, is what. What's going on with y'all? Y'all talkin' or whatever?"

Brandon was hoping she said God brother or even a cousin. He knew the cousin part would have been, a lie because he knew all of her family members. He wanted to know, because truth be told he had been in love with her for many years on end. When he first noticed her. He knew with all of his well being that she was his. Thus he hoped that Quinn wasn't her boyfriend.

Smiling extra hard Karter turned towards Brandon at the reference of her boyfriends name "Quinn. He's my boyfriend. B,  he's such a lovely guy and I just...." She said trailing off

"So how long have y'all been going out? When y'all started talking?"

"We met when I went to the Duke vs. Kentucky game. I ran into him outside of the building, and we really started to talk about the most random things. So I'll say we've been, talking for about a good two years. Literally been a blast, he's such a sweetheart."

"That Why didn't you tell me? I mean I am your best friend."

"I guess to make sure it was something that, we both wanted.  I would've told you early on, but I didn't want to put a tag or title on us, only to have it not work out.  So I wasn't necessarily trying to keep you, out of the loop. Things got real low key once he graduated, and that's how we been rolling."

"That's what's up. I'm happy for you Kart, make sure he keeps treating you right. I'd hate to pull up on him in Ohio. But I have one question." 


"Do you love him?"

"I do. I really do, he's really the man of my dreams. I don't think I've ever truly been this happy."

"Wow, that's great. I'm glad you're happy."

Just like that Brandon's heart was torn into pieces. He really had lost her. To Quinn. Of all people, Quinn. From the way Karter looked when she talked about him, he just knew he wasn't going to have her ever.

"This isn't fuckin' fair." He muttered

"Did you say something Brandon?"

"I said that this isn't fuckin' fair, man. None of this." 

"What's not fair B? Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not fair, that you never gave me a chance. That's what isn't fair. I came to you wholeheartedly and told, you how I felt and you turned me down saying, how you weren't up to dating just yet and then you turn around and find a boyfriend. You turn around and go get with Quinn.  You never, once and I mean never thought about how I felt. You're a hypocrite Karter and I want you to know that."

"Excuse me, I've been with him for two years. How am I a hypocrite!"

"You just are."

"I'm a hypocrite! Aren't you in a relationship? How dare you diss me because I wouldn't agree to be your side girl. How dare you tell me, that I'm wrong, for falling in love. Tell me how I'm wrong Brandon!  Hence if anything, you're the hypocrite. You wanted me to wait for you. When newsflash, it was never going to happen. Me and you would never happen, I don't see you that way. So yes, I am dating Quinn and I have been for the last 2 years. And I'm happy. But unlike you I know a thing or two about being faithful. I know a thing or two about being loyal. But one thing I know for certain is that I was never going to wait for a taken man. " She ranted

" So that's how we do now? After all this time as friends, this is how it is."

"Brandon, you're the one who made it this way! I didn't come to argue with you. You got buck, you overstepped your boundaries. All this tension between us, came from you. And if you can't handle the truth, then you gotta go."

"So that's it. We're going to end a 5 year friendship for a guy."

"You just did this to us, it was all you. And Quinn is not just any guy, Brandon.  He's  my fiancé."


" He proposed two months ago. I was trying to tell you earlier, but it  seems like you had other plans. So as you can see I had the right to be a hypocrite. Because I genuinely do love my fiancé and I'm truly loyal to one man only."

"Fiancé? You fuckin' with me?" Brandon  spat

"That's what she said, so I don't think she's fuckin' around."

"And who might you be. Coming in here like you don't know me."

"I'm Quinn Cook. The fiancé and I know that you haven't forgotten about me. I'm the man, who’s holding your dreams." 

"And I'm Brandon Ingram. The best friend."

"The best friend. Wow, that's great and all. But I have to say something to you. I came here with good intentions, to meet the other guy who was in her life. I really did. But it seems like your only one intention of getting her to be your side girl. I don't like that. So make that old. But, I'd like to point something out to you pretty boy. Karter's a woman of value and she deserves to be treated like that and I'd greatly appreciate if you handled her as such.  I don't take the disrespect, of women lightly. Especially when it comes to mine. I understand that you may love her and all, but that one there. That's all me. So, I want to make it very clear that I was the one who was here when you were around the world traveling doing what you do best. I earned my place in her life and I'm going to tell you this it is a very great position to sit in and if you can't accept that then I'm afraid that me and you aren't going to be getting along, very well. Simply, because I love her I'm going to act civilized when you're around. And that's only because you're her best friend."  Quinn finished off with a smile

"So Brandon,  if you can at least act civilized when he's around then everything will be all right. But I want you to know that he isn't going anywhere. But like with your girlfriend, me and her are friends. I accept your relationship and I support everything y'all do. But I need it to be fair when it's on my end. So can we agree to that?"

"Nah, I'm straight. I can't deal with you being with another dude, knowing how I feel. "


"As a heart attack. I'm not about to torture myself watching this. Watching you." 

"Well I'm sorry,  it has to be this way. But my life does not revolve around you."

"I'm sorry as well."  Brandon stated as he watched her walk away with Quinn

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