Mutual(Ft. B.I)

840 39 32

"All you ever wanted was some understanding

Being in this moment wasn't how you planned it
All I ever wanted was to be with you
But it seems like it never goes the way that I wanted it to”

Brandon had been sitting on his couch as he thought about somethings, still trying to get his mind together from practice and nap he had just took. His thoughts were simply everywhere and he couldn’t understand why, he just couldn’t seem to shake this particular thing off of him. Stretching he turned around, to meet  his girlfriend coming out of his room. Smiling big Leigh walked towards the older man, her heart had been yearning to see the man. The only thing that had been unnoticed by the young woman was, the face of concentration he wore.

“Hi, baby!” 


“Did you sleep well?”

“I did, did you?” Brandon asked as he watched her make her way towards him

He took in her appearance and how she looked. Her hair was pulled up onto of her head, while a couple of small hairs fell from it. He remember going with her and how she talked about her frontal the entire time. Those were the moments that Brandon loved having with her.  Her boy was clad in one of his Laker shirts, the yellow of it helping add onto the glow that she was giving off. All he could do was start at Leigh and everything that was her.

As Brandon continued to look at Leigh, he finally noticed something different about her. It was as if her face held everything she wanted to say, but didn’t. Brandon for the first time, saw the bags under her eye, the slight sight of wrinkles near them. Two thins that Brandon knew she never had when they had first gotten together. 

Leigh was absolutely gorgeous, just drop dead gorgeous. She always was a beautiful girl to Brandon, but now she just looked tired. She looked worn, and Brandon didn’t know how to feel. Especially knowing, that he was the absolute sole cause behind it. His eye travelled down to a cut she had on her chest, he watched it as she continued on her walk towards him. He remembered how it got there, it was because of him. No, he hadn’t put his hands on her. He wasn’t that weak of a man, but the cut was a absolute result of him. 

Once Leigh had made it in front of her boyfriend,she placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Smile at him when she pulled back, the young woman plopped on the floor in from of the couch as she leaned, on Brandon’s legs with her head on his thigh.  She looked up at him before speaking “I love you,so much. I’m really glad that I can call you, the love of my life Brandon.”

“And I love you too.”Brandon smiled as he lied through his teeth

Smiling Leigh, turned her attention to the television in front of them. Her insides were turning from hearing him say those three words. While Brandon simple stared at her, he couldn’t believe that the young woman was still with him. That she was still here. He knew that had Leigh had been putting up with his shit, since their beginnings all the way in Kinston from elementary school on up. She had been his rider, she was the one who was with him through it all, that’s why he was fond of her. She had invest 10+ years into him.

Brandon and Leigh knew that they both argued. And not basic arguments, it was Brandon getting mad at her, when she started to question or do things of that same matter. It was always Leigh getting her feelings hurt, it was always her crying. It was always her. It was always her confessing her feelings and trying to understand why Brandon was acting the way he was, towards her. But yet she never left. Because she felt as if, her and Brandon had a unspoken loyalty to each other that had them accountable for each other. 

Brandon, himself felt like this too, he just couldn’t leave her because his loyalty to her wouldn’t allow him to leave her. The thing that was sad, was that  he knew all he had to do was play the loyalty card and manipulate her mind. Spitting a few apologizes and promises to her, and he was back in Leigh’s good graces. 

“Are you ok baby?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Why’d you ask?”

“I saw your face and it looked like something was bothering you. Just wanted to make sure you weren’t stressing yourself out mentally.”

Shaking his head Brandon let out a small laugh “Nah, baby girl I’m fine. I promise.”

“You know you can’t talk to me right?”

“I know. Watch television.”

Turning around Leigh went back to her original position, while Brandon went back to his thoughts.  He though more about their arguments and how they were over the things that he did to her, and their relationship. He knew that she was apprehensive about him especially after he cheated on her that one time. Brandon never knew why he felt the need to cheat on Leigh. He knew that she was a good woman, who was down for whatever. Yet, he cheated and she stayed. Honestly it was stupidity on both of our parts, but it was the loyalty they had for each other.

Reaching his hand down,Brandon caressed Leigh’s face causing her to lean into his hand. Looking up she smiled a bright smile at the feeling of affection from the man. That’s what Brandon loved about her was how him being affectionate to her made her smile. The woman just wanted to be loved and feel safe with the man. It was something that she taught Brandon, to be affectionate when it was needed. He just looked at the woman as her eyes went back to the tv. One thing that Brandon, would never deny was how beautiful Leigh was. That’s why he continued to go after her. 

“Thank you.”

“For what Brandon?”

“For sticking with me and for loving me, thank you for putting up with me beyond all of my flaws. I know that I may not be the best man but, you don’t hold me accountable. Thank you for growing with me, I know I’m not the best. But you make me want to be.”

“I told you my loyalty is with you. No matter, what happens it’s me and you we’re in this together. I promise you that. I do what I do, because we’re a team. Through all the tough times and the good. We got loyalty with each other. “

“No I love you?”

“For what? It’s not like you gon’ say it back. I know you only say it to make me happy.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I know you lying when you say you love me. It’s cool, we got loyalty to each other. So that’s better than nothing. Now watch television.”

Her response had caught Brandon off guards he sat back. He knew she knew the truth, he just didn’t expect her to be so transparent about it. Yes, he lied to her and lied when he told her he loved her. But he didn’t expect Leigh to throw it in his face. Especially when it was a possibility that he loved her for real this time around. He didn’t know how to express his feelings to her. They had been in a relationship for so long, that everything was just normal to them the way it was. At first he didn’t have love for her, the way she did for him. But as time went on he learned to love her. Yes, he had cheated, yes he had picked fights, yes he didn’t show her off to people. But she still found it in her to love him.  That’s when Leigh started to grow on him as more than a friend or a girl he could use.

Leigh was everything he needed and wanted in a girl. She had love,loyalty, respect and she was smart.  Everything about the two just clicked.  As soon as Brandon started to acknowledge her in that light, the other women became irrelevant and unworthy  of his attention. He had became genuinely happy and satisfied with her. 

He watched as Leigh let her hair down, causing him to run his hands in it. She had sat up in between his legs, watched the tv, while she did so. Leaning down Brandon placed a kiss on her forehead.  The young woman , in front of him was nothing less than perfect. He couldn’t believe that he waited this long to give her his love. He was ready to give his everything to her, this was the woman he wanted to be with completely. This was the woman who had been with through all of his problems. All of his life transitions. She was he backbone and rock when it was needed. So the least he could do was love her completely. 

“Baby……” Brandon started gaining her attention

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