Initial Meeting(K.O ft. Quavious)

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A few weeks before Ashton, set up a day for Kelly to meet her sons she knew it was time for her, Kelly and Quavious to sit down and talk. Not as two friends or two people in a relationship, but as a mother and father to a third party. The trio had scheduled to meet at some restaurant to work out the terms that came into being around their children.

"Hi, I'm sorry I'm late, but I had to drop the boys off. It would've been a quick transition, but you know mama. She wanted to know who we, were handling the twins and our relationship."  Ashton spoke pecking both men on the cheek

"She, did the same thing to me the other day. I had to tell her you were in another relationship. You know how mama, is when she finds out stuff."

"She's wild. Fussed me out, for about 15 minutes. But how you been?"

"You know, being the rich young nigga I am. Living life to the fullest." 

"That's what's up. And stop calling yourself a nigga. Your name is Quavious."

"And you still think you my mama. I'll call myself what I feel like calling myself."

"I can't stand you. I'm telling mama, watch."

Yes, her and Quavious were still close after all he was her best friend before he was her lover. She believed that, when you have children with a person and you're co-parenting you have to have a stable relationship. You know?

"How was your day babe? Did you have practice?"

"It was good, learned some new skills. I did have, practice Coach had me doing more offense. We'll see later though."Kelly said, smiling down at her

"That's good. Tonight we're still going to that event, later right?"

"Yeah, its something John is hosting. I don't even know what it is exactly."

"That's John, never specifying what it is he's throwing."  

"Exactly.  But we digress."

"Alright, let's get down to business.  But before, we go on introductions are a must?"

"Quavious, this is Kelly my boyfriend. Kelly, this is Quavious the father of my children and my best friend."

"What's up."

"Wus' up."

"Alright, Kelly we aren't here as a stranger  and your girlfriend. We're here as a mother and father. Now we aren't ganging up on you its just something that we do to everyone that is in a relationship with one of us or a potential relationship." Ashton explained

"Understood what is it that you two wanted to speak about?"

"Well the first thing Kelly, that I want to get across is that they have a father who is in their life very actively might I add. Before I'm a rapper, all of this shit. I'm a father first. So you don't have to act like you are their father because if I ever needed to drop any and everything else that I was doing because of them I would. As someone who plans to be around my children, we need to have a understanding. The relationship between me and her is just that. And the relationship between the two of y'all, is just that. I'm not going to be that, one nigga who can't accept the fact that his, mother of his children has a new nigga. I'm fine with that."  


"Also understand, that me and her have been best friends for 9 plus years, so I'm not going anywhere. Because, where there's a Quavious, there's a Ashton. I say this because I've been with since she was 10 and I've been by her side ever since. But I know my boundaries with her. I know that I'm not her boyfriend, but her best friend and the father of her children. But let me tell you this now as her best friend if you hurt her this lil relationship is out the door because that's how quick, I will be at your door to let you know what's up. You know how people say they roll in 6 deep? Well, not me, I roll in 1 deep. And after me, you got some more niggas to answer to. Cause this is the one girl, none of my family or my niggas play about. No questions asked. Especially about this one right here." Quavious finished

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