YouTube(Repost Ft. Kelly )

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"Babe I was wondering if you would, maybe I don't know do the story time tag with me for my YouTube channel?" Kadisha asked her boyfriend as he walked through the door.

"Can I do what Dish?"

"Do the story time tag. It's a tag that me and my viewers made up and I tell them funny stories about things that have happened to me. Please it'll make me the happiest woman in the world and I promise it'll be fun."

"What is the point of this entire thing?"Kelly asked as he walked into the kitchen

"It's for my channel and I've yet to do a video with you and that's what the point of this entire thing."

"And when do you expect me to do this?"


Kadisha knew that it wouldn't be long until Kelly broke and just told her yes. Kelly hadn't told her no in almost year.So she knew that getting him to agree to this would be a piece of cake. At least she thought it was.

"No."Kelly stated, looking her right in the eyes

"What do you mean no? Why don't you wanna do this with me. Kelly you haven't told me no in almost a year, why are you starting now?"

"Because no other basketball player in this league is out here doing these tags and I don't wanna be the only one doing it.So no."

"That's fine Kelly Paul Oubre Jr. I'll just ask Stephen Curry to do it with me since he did the husband tag with his wife on her channel. Or I can call one of the other players I've become friends with. Maybe I can call my brother John."Kadisha said as she pulled out her phone

She knew she had Kelly's yes in the palm of her hand, he hated telling her no. And she had never pulled the card she was using till today. Did she feel guilty for blackmailing him? Yes. But did that matter as of now? No.

"Fine Kadisha I will do this stupid tag with you, just don't tell your brother. I'll never hear the end of it about how I made his baby sister cry."

And with that Kelly and Kadisha made their way down the hall to Kadisha's 'YouTube room' Where she quickly set up and ran down the instructions as to what was about to take place. She had failed to mention to Kelly that this would be one of her live videos instead of one she recorded and posted. Kelly of course being new to this whole Youtubing thing had many questions to ask. He after all only knew things about basketball.

Quickly sitting down as the timer went off Kadisha started to reexplain everything to Kelly. "Ok babe this is one of the live recordings that I do every once in a while. So whatever you say cannot be edited like my other videos. This is basically raw footage that will be on my channel forever. And I must warn you my viewers, can say some pretty visual things so please be warned not to read anything out loud until I get to that section on the live stream. They are also kind of obsessed with you because you are quote unquote boyfriend goals. So when this timer goes off in the next ten seconds I'm gonna introduce myself and my channel, what we're doing.Then you'll introduce yourself."

Nodding his head Kelly started to fix his hair and hoodie. He already had his girlfriend over here looking like a chocolate Goddess the least he could do was make sure he looked somewhat presentable. I mean it's not everyday your girlfriend asks you to be on her YouTube channel.

"Hey everyone It's me Mama Kadisha and welcome back to Disha's Corner! Today we have a very special guest who is being welcomed into our little family. I think many of you will like this person just as much as I do. So this person should come introduce their self."Kadish a spoke, smiling over at Kelly, who had been looking at the tweets that were pouring in on her phone, "And he's not paying attention to anything I've just said."

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