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"Arron , give me my space. I don't got time for all this emotional stuff.  You know how it goes. I love you baby girl, but don't wait up."Brandon said as he grabbed his keys and wallet.

Arron knew, what was about to happen. Brandon was gonna come stumbling home late, expecting her to give into his desires and all is forgiven. She was honestly done with this all, Arron just wanted to know what he was doing when he went out with his teammates. She wasn't seeing the man she began dating anymore, she was seeing an immature boy who was afraid of commitment. And tonight regardless of how drunk or sober, he was Arron was gonna get her answers.

Getting up out of their bed, she made her way downstairs to stand in the dark hallway so she could catch him in full on action.  He wanted, to act brand new. She was gone show him brand new. He had her, out here all the way in Los Angeles and he decides he wants to do this.

4:45 a.m.

Arron had been going strong she had enough cups of coffee and a can of red bull, to keep her energy up. Heck the woman, even went to the grocery store to pick up some items that would sober, Brandon up real quick in case he needed it. So when Arron, heard her front door open she went to her designated spot.

"Brandon. You gotta stop this you have a good girl here at home. Yet you're out here acting like you're a single man. You're my brother, I love you and all but I'm not about to let you keep hurting my sister." Arron heard Brandon's brother state

"Chill out with all of that, I didn't touch a drink or another female at all. So can you just get your panties out of twist. I'm just coolin', enjoying my time."

"Ok. You didn't, but what about next time. What if you take a drink and it ends your life? What if someone sees you with another girl there goes your career that just started. You just coolin', well how would you feel if you came home and Arron was gone. Just disappeared out of your life? How would you feel? If she just up and left late at night. How, would, you feel if she pulled a you on you? "

Shaking his head Brandon turned to face his brother "Why are you so hellbent on what I do in MY relationship? How I treat Arron, is my business. I said I wasn't doing anything and that I wasn't with any girl. She's my business."

"I'm hellbent because when I introduced her to you , I promised her that I'd protect her from heartbreak. You know the thing that was caused by other dudes.  So since, I've known her longer. You are kinda, the reason why I've stepped up to be her 'brother' that's why I'm hellbent Brandon. But if you don't get your stuff together, I won't have any problem with coming to get, her.Try me and watch what happens"

Arron peeked her head around the corner just a bit so she could catch his brother's attention. "You should believe him, Xavier. The two dude's I've dated, before you didn't believe him until he showed up at their homes in the middle of the night. He's been an older brother and friend to me. So I always run the majority of my decisions, by him." Arron spoke finally stepping into the light

"So y'all in cahoots together now? You and my brother. I can't say, I didn't expect it. "

"Bruh, you just don't listen do you. You're about to lose the best thing ever."

"I wanna, know how long y'all been planning this whole intervention thing right here."

"Brandon. I think it's time we talk.Thanks for bringing him home. What would I do without you, big brother?"

Laughing, he gave her a quick hug before making his way outside. The second he stepped out Arron turned towards the light skinned man that stood before her.

"Brandon, are you cheating on me? Like be completely honest with me. Because if you are then I will have no problem, walking out this door and getting in the car with him."

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