Emotional Pranks(K.O)

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“Alright so I’m about to play a prank on Kelly. He doesn’t know it but I’m going to act like I’m about to leave him. Now if any of you all know I’m his weakness. Seriously, but yeah I’ve got the cameras set up all around the Kappa house. With permission of course. I got the help from Sage one of his frat brothers who helped me set up the cameras everywhere. So yeah let’s see how it goes.Oh and before I forget. I texted Kelly earlier to day, saying that I was done. And I haven’t responded since.” Issa smiled at the camera "Alright, Kelly’s on his way up. I’ve been ignoring his calls and text. So he’s already irritated and worried. I’m about to get into the scene!”

Issa had set a bag up on Kelly’s bed, and had her clothes that she had left over time piled up next to it. She waited patiently for Kelly to come in the room, before she put the plan into motion. To be quite honest she was more nervous, then anything. Because when people spend so much time with someone and they love someone the way that they did each other, hearing the words breakup was like death it’s self. 

“Why you ain’t answer my calls or text? What’s up, you good? Cause we don’t do that type of stuff. When we see the other calling we answer it. What the hell had your attention for the last two hours?” 

“I told you I’m done.”

“Done with what? Done folding these clothes?”

“No, I’m done with this."

“With what? What the hell you done with?” Kelly asked as  he threw his bag on the ground 

“This relationship. I’m done with it. Me and you. Us. All of this."


“Cause I just am, I want to be done. There’s no reason.”

“Issa, why?”

“I just am. That’s just how I feel."

"Issa, why?"

"Because. I just am. Can't I just be done?  Or is that a crime?"

“What did I do? Did I do something? Cause you not just gon’ run and not tell me what it is that I did? Issa, what did I do?”

“Nothing, I’m just done Kelly. Like stop questioning me.”

“No, you not about to just run. You been ignoring me all day. All day Issa. And now you telling me you leaving. What do you mean. First you started with this bogus ass text being all subliminal. What did I do? Cause you not leaving until you give me a valid ass reason as to, why you think that you are about to leave.” 

“Why do I gotta explain to you, why I’m making the decision that I am.”

“Because it’s the damn principle!"

"What principle?"

"That this decision doesn't only affect you. This affects me, in more ways than one. This isn't only about you. That's the principle. I know you better than this, and I know you aren't the type to do things like this."

“You need to calm down, because this hostility is getting you nowhere."

"Do you think I care?"

"You should."

“Well I don't, Issa we been together for three years….three and all of a sudden you want to just up and leave, nah b. it don’t work like that. You either cheating or you gotta another nigga. So what is it?”

Issa just walked around him, collecting her clothes. Keeping her face as straight as possible.


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