Chapter 1

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I get out of the car and shiver as the wind blows past my body.

I'm wearing my hair in a side braid with 2 strands in front of my face.

I'm only wearing mascara. The show wants an innocent girl, not a plastic super model. And I've been to some classes before where we were told to keep out hair out of our face, no makeup or limited amounts.

I'm wearing a long sleeve baseball shirt with a zombie plastered on the front from a video game.

I'm also wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans and black vans.

I walk inside and notice about a dozen other girls sitting down and rehearsing lines.

Elizabeth is 12 and like I said innocent, most of these girls are plastered with makeup and wear pretty little dresses. I wonder why they're so dressed up? they also look like they're in their older teens and look nothing like they can play an innocent 12 year old.

There are 2 other girls I notice who sit in the corner with their mothers, they look extremely innocent and I'm sure one of them will get the part.

My mom signs me in and we take a seat.

I take this chance to look around.. a desk sits about 10 feet away with a MacBook on it, beside it is a chalk board that says





A camera sits next to them as well as a dark skinned women with short black hair.

She smiles at me and winks. I give her a shy smile in return and look down at my script.

It's very simple, I don't have the full script for the episode because it could spoil it, I have the lines of when Carl and Elizabeth talk.

I over read my lines a few times as the women begins calling the girls up one at a time, she asks you the questions on the board and fills in the lines, then you stand in front of a white wall and you get your photo taken.

You sit down once more and wait for your name to be called.

A door opens and a man calls out someone's name. The girl confidently stands up and walks toward the man as he closes the door.

"Alice Michelle." the women calls and I look over to her, I walk over and she asks me the questions and fills out the board, handing it to me; I stand in front of the wall and smile as she snaps my photo.

I take a seat and watch as one after the other the room empties. I'm the last person sitting as the girl in front of me walks out.

"Alice Michelle!" the man calls and I rise, I pull down my shirt and take a deep breath before walking in as confident as possible.

I stand on the line in the corner of the room, a video camera sits on a tripod and 2 lights hang from the ceiling to make the camera quality better.

I don't notice the people in the room until now.

"Okay, this is Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, Greg Nicotero writers of the comic and producers of the show, this is Chandler Riggs he will be reading the part of Carl."

The man introduces as he fixes the tripod up.

"Nice to meet you all." I smile, but I can't help but notice the boy who plays Carl, he has very beautiful blue eyes and long dark brown hair. I did research to know who he was but didn't know he would end up being so... attractive- ALICE. STOP. You do not like him!

RIGGS //A Chandler Riggs fanfiction//BOOK ONEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora