chapter 2

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The girls were now in the Mess Hall to have their first dinner away from home.

"I hope Jessica made it back home okay." Darla said to herself.

"That's your sister's name, right?" Hallie asked.

"Yeah," Darla nodded. "She's amazing."

"I wish I had a sister." Hallie sighed.

Darla frowned, feeling sad for Hallie, she had that pain herself until she was seven and then adopted by the Fudo family. The girls then went down the line and Marva Sr came between Amber and Annie so she could get some strawberries.

"Mm, strawberries." Amber smiled.

"Oh, none for me, please," Annie warned her new friend. "I'm horribly allergic."

Amber felt bad for Annie, so she decided to only have one in her bowl so she wouldn't make her new friend feel sick.

"So, Hallie, you want strawberries?" Darla asked her new friend.

"No thank you, Darla; I'm allergic." Hallie said.

Darla then took note of that. "Okay, Hallie."

After dinner...

Darla sighed as she felt lost and alone without Amber as she sat under a tree and wrote in her journal that Atticus gave her as a going away gift.

"Everything okay, Darla?" Maisy asked.

Darla smiled to her kitten and pet her. "I guess I just feel a little homesick."

"Already?" Maisy frowned. "But you just got here."

"Yeah, besides, I can smell Amber's scent." Patch smiled.

"You do?" Darla's eyes lit up.

Patch smiled and nodded.

"Where is she?" Darla sounded anxious to see her best friend right now.

Patch began to follow the scent, causing Darla and Maisy to follow him. Many of the girls went about their activities and didn't even seem to notice the puppy and kitten wandering around the campsite. Patch soon started to run as he got excited as they got closer to where Amber was.

"So, you know how to play Poker?" Annie asked Amber.

"Yeah, but I haven't played with anyone yet," Amber replied. Amber soon saw a familiar Dalmatian puppy. "Patch?" she then asked.

"What?" Hallie asked.

Amber knelt down on the ground and held out her arms as Patch rushed up to her with a smile. And where he soon jumped and tackled Amber with dog kisses. Amber laughed as the dog held her down.

"Hi, boy!" Hallie beamed.

Patch looked over and smiled as he could tell that this girl was a dog lover. Patch soon went up to her. Hallie smiled and played with Patch.

Amber laughed until she then gasped. "Wait, Patch, what're you doing here?! Pets aren't allowed in summer camp!"

"Darla was able to get me and Maisy allowed into camp." Patch smiled.

"Hmm..." Amber firmly hummed.

Hallie then went off as she saw something which interested her. "I'll see ya later, Amber!"

"Okay, see ya!" Amber called back.

Darla then rushed over to her best friend and the two shared a big hug with each other. Darla soon saw Halle going off somewhere. There was a fencing activity going on.

"So sad we can't share cabins..." Amber frowned.

"Yeah," Darla frowned. "How's about we watch them fence?"

"Sure, at least we'll be doing something together." Amber smiled.

Darla smiled back and they went with a bunch of the other girls who were watching the fencing tournament. And where Hallie seemed to be on a winning streak.

"The winner and still undefeated champ, Hallie Parker!" Marva Jr announced as she raised Hallie's arm. "Do we have any challengers?"

"Sure, I'll take a whack at it." Annie's voice said as she put the mask on to challenge Hallie in the game.

"You know, Darla, Annie looks just like your friend Hallie; only she doesn't have earrings and her hair is longer." Amber whispered.

"Really?" Darla replied. "I was just going to say that Hallie looks just like your friend Annie, but she doesn't have an accent."

The two best friends then looked to each other.

"You don't think they could be long-lost sisters or something, do you?" Amber asked.

"Oh, Amber, that's only in soap operas..." Darla said, but she did think about it. "...I think."

They soon decided to watch the match and leave their theory till later. A lot of the girls screamed and ran out of the way as Hallie and Annie were really getting into the match. And where it went on for a while until finally a new winner was chosen as Annie. This of course disappointed Hallie greatly.

"Okay, that was quite a show," Marva Jr chuckled sheepishly. "Alright, I think we got us a new camp champ from London, England, Miss Annie James!"

"Yay! Annie!" Amber smiled.

"Better luck next time, Hallie!" Darla called out.

The girls removed their masks and had their backs to each other.

"Come on, girls, let's shake hands." Marva Jr told them.

The girls groaned, rolling their eyes, and turned to face each other and gasped once they saw they looked exactly alike in their facial features.

"Whoa!" Amber and Darla gasped.

This was super freaky for everyone who realized that the two looked exactly alike. The two then shook each other's hands and gasped as they felt a spark deep within them both somehow.

"Whoa." Patch smiled.

"Is this good?" Maisy asked.

"I'm not sure." Patch said.

The lunch bell then began to ring.

"Ooh, lunch!" Darla called and ran off, distracted by the call of food.

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