chapter 16

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Cherry groaned and took a pill since they were near the water and boats.

"What's wrong, Cherry?" Mo asked.

"Seasickness." Atticus told Cherry.

Cherry nodded as she took a deep breath to adjust her pill inside her digestive tract.

"Should we go to the pool?" Mo asked.

"Here, let me teach you how to swim." Atticus said.

"What about your... Situation?" Mo asked.

"This isn't ocean water, it'll be fine." Atticus smiled.

"Oh, right." Mo said.

Atticus then took off his shirt as he sat on the edge of the pool and stuck his bare feet into the water.

Mo blushed as she saw him shirtless. "Oh, my~"

"Wanna come into the pool?" Atticus asked.

"Sure..." Mo turned as red as her bandanna as she sat next to him.

Atticus soon got in the pool. Mo then joined him, sliding into the pool next to him. Atticus then taught Mo how to swim in a pool. Nick was then wandering around, passing people and the pool area.

"Looks like he's trying to see if he's not just imagining his ex-wife being here." Atticus said.

"I can't blame him." Mo said as she waded in the water next to him.

Cherry slowly shut her eyes as she sat on the edge of the pool with only her feet in the water. Mo soon playfully decided to act like she was drowning so her boyfriend could save her. Atticus then did a backstroke in the water.

Cherry looked over and rolled her eyes. "Your girlfriend's drowning."

Atticus soon stopped before he dived in to save Mo.

"Help, Atticus, help!" Mo called out as she splashed herself.

Atticus soon came up from under her and scooped her up into a bridal style.

"Oh, Atticus, you're so brave and strong..." Mo smiled.

"You okay?" Atticus asked as he carried her.

"Yeah." Mo smiled.

Atticus smiled back.

"How about a kiss for my hero?" Mo offered before puckering her lips.

"Sure." Atticus shrugged before he kissed her.

Mo smiled as she received the kiss while turning bright pink in her face. Cherry smirked as she saw what Mo did. Atticus and Mo then held each other close.

'So strong.' Mo thought to herself.

Cherry gagged at the display between Atticus and Mo while she lounged.

Nick continued to look around and where at first it seemed like what he saw in the lobby was just his imagination.

Cherry looked up to Nick. "He looks so lost."

Meredith's parents soon came over to him. Elizabeth was in Nick's eyes as he walked along and looked confused once he spotted her.

"Mr. Parker, watch out!" Domino yelped out.

Nick ran into a waiter and he ended up slipping and falling into the pool. SPLASH!

"That's gotta hurt." Maisy winced.

"I'm sure he's fine." Darla said before cringing as Amber nodded in hope.

Cherry shook a little as the splash mostly soaked her.

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