chapter 3

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Later on that night, the girls seemed to gather around for a game of poker. Annie had her grandfather's deck of cards and she was winning every game so far.

"Way to go, Annie!" Amber smiled to her new friend.

The older girls groaned as they walked away and Annie had a 'full house' in the game.

"Anyone else?" Amber asked.

"You've already tooken everybody." a younger girl told Annie.

"I'd like to take a whack at it." Hallie's voice said.

Everyone looked to see Hallie coming in with sunglasses and a sock full of money with Zoe, Nicole, and Darla on her sides.

"Ooh, this should be interesting." Amber smiled.

Hallie went to sit down and challenge Annie to a game of poker.

"This girl's b-b-b-bad to the bone." Darla smirked to Annie and her friends, even to Amber, of course not in a mean way to her since they were best friends back home after all.

"Is that right?" Amber folded her arms, smirking the same way back to Darla.

"How about we make this interesting?" Hallie smirked.

Annie looked up curiously as they were placing their bets with money, nail polish, and more.

"Tell ya what I'm gonna do," Hallie replied. "I'll make you a little deal. Loser jumps into the lake with their new friend after the game."

"Excellent." Annie smirked to that.

"Butt naked." Darla then added in with a smirk.

"Even more excellent." Annie approved, but Amber looked a little nervous.

"I-I don't know." Amber frowned.

"No worries, Amber, I've got this," Annie smirked and lay out her cards which were an Ace, a two, a three, a four, and a five, all of the suits were diamonds. "Diamond High, straight!"

"Good, James..." Hallie replied before showing her cards with a smirk. "But... Not just good enough."

Annie frowned in surprise and disappointment as she was a champion in poker back home.

"In your honor, a Royal Flush." Hallie smirked as she showed her cards which were all spades and a King, two Queens, a Jack, and an Ace.

"Oh, crud." Amber groaned.

"Sorry, Amber..." Darla whispered to her best friend.

The other girls giggled as Amber and Annie were forced to go outside nude on the docks to go for a swim in the lake with no clothes on since they had lost the bet.

"Next time, let's try to bet something else." Amber said.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Annie agreed.

The other girls watched as Amber and Annie then dove into the lake water.

"Grab their clothes." Hallie smirked to her friends.

"What? Why?" Darla asked.

"Come on, just do it!" Hallie laughed as Zoe and Nicole already grabbed the clothes.

"No way." Darla said.

"Suit yourself." Hallie shrugged and ran with Zoe and Nicole with Annie and Amber's clothes.

"Give me those!" Darla grabbed Amber's clothes. "I know they lost the bet, but Amber is my best friend!"

"Oh...." Hallie frowned. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Darla firmly pouted as she took Amber's clothes. Hallie felt a little guilty, but she ran with Zoe and Nicole with Annie's clothes. Annie and Amber popped their heads out of the shivering evening water and saw that some clothes were missing.

"Sorry girls, I could only get your clothes back, Amber." Darla said as she showed her best friend's clothes while also giving them both towels.

"Oh, thank you..." Annie accepted before glaring to the running other three girls. "At least someone else has class around here!"

"What should we do?" Darla asked.

"I think revenge is in order." Annie decided.

"Now, now, let's not do anything we might regret..." Amber said as she wore the towel over her head before putting her clothes back on.

"Amber, I'm afraid that revenge must be her punishment." Annie said.

"Sorry about this..." Amber said to Darla.

"Oh, well, how bad could it be?" Darla shrugged as she then went to catch up with Hallie, Zoe, and Nicole.

Unfortunately, it was bad the next day.

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