chapter 6

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The next day, Annie and Hallie told each other about their lives back home in order for this plan to be successful. And where they soon had to let Annie get a hair cut. Annie was of course very nervous about this. Hallie was also nervous as she approached Annie with the scissors and was about to cut until...

"Don't shut your eyes!" Annie told Hallie.

"She's right, Hallie." Amber said.

"Oh, right, okay, sorry, I'm a little nervous." Hallie said.

"You're nervous?!" Annie whined. "An eleven-year-old is cutting my hair!"

"Hey, you sounded just like me." Hallie smiled.

"Yeah." Darla smiled.

"Well I'm supposed to, aren't I?" Annie smirked before closing her eyes. "Go on... Just do it."

Hallie then took a deep breath and started to cut Annie's hair to look just like hers.

After a while, Annie finally looked like Hallie, except for one more thing.

"Perfect!" Darla smiled.

"Uh, not quite..." Amber spoke up. "Hallie, aren't your ears pierced?"

"Oh, my God..." Hallie just realized that Annie didn't have pierced ears.

"What?" Annie asked.

"Well, I can't go to camp with pierced ears and come back with them not." Hallie told Annie.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, absolutely not, I refuse." Annie said.

"Did you bring your Moon Staff?" Maisy asked Darla.

"Just in case of emergencies," Darla knew where this was going. "Do you think it'll work?"

"Yes." Maisy nodded.

Darla went to her bag and took out her Moon Staff as Hallie was getting a lemon and a needle and walked over to Annie.

"What is that?" Annie asked.

"Let me handle this, this should be quick and painless." Darla said as she gripped her Moon Staff.

"I hope so." Annie pleaded.

"Moon Power!" Darla proclaimed as she held out her staff. "Pierce Annie's ears!"

Annie soon closed her eyes and expected pain in her ears. "Oh, just get it over with!" she cried out. "This is absolutely dreadful, I shouldn't have agreed to this! Just tell me when it's over."

"Annie, it's over." Maisy told her.

Annie then opened her eyes and saw her ears were now pierced and she didn't even feel a thing. "That's it?"

"Yep, that's it." Darla smiled.

Annie smiled.

"So much for my plan." Hallie pouted as she threw away the lemon and needle.

"Now you two look exactly alike." Amber said.

Hallie and Annie smiled as they hoped that this would work.

Before they knew it, it was almost time to go home and many rides were coming to pick the girls up. Darla was on the phone with her family as she was going to be with Hallie until back to school, or in this case, with Annie. And where they already knew that she was going to be with Hallie until she would be back to school.

"It was a lot of fun otherwise," Darla said as she continued to talk with the family back home. "But enough about me, how was your summer?"

'We were mostly in Equestria," Atticus said on the other line while he was reading one of Cherry's newest stories to proofread for any errors before she would send it out to a publishing company. "The others say hi and hope you had a good summer. Also, Uncle Triton says hi and Urchin really missed you."

"I really miss him too." Darla smiled.

"He said if anyone bullied you, he could beat them up for ya." Atticus then said with a laugh.

Darla laughed back. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Well, have a nice time with Hallie." Atticus said.

"Okay, send my love to the others, bye, Atticus." Darla nodded and then hung up.

Atticus hung up himself as he continued to read. "What a nice young woman she's becoming."

"So I'll be coming with you while Patch goes with Amber." Maisy said.

"That's right," Darla nodded. "You ready to go?"

"Of course I am." Maisy nodded back.

"Come on then." Darla opened her bag.

Maisy then climbed in and fit snug and nicely. Darla smiled as she then went to find Hallie.

"Oh, yes, Aunt Anita, it's fine that you brought Pongo and Perdita with you and Uncle Roger." Amber said on the phone, purposely aloud so Patch would overhear that and he would be able to see his parents during this visit to London.

Patch soon got excited as he would see his parents again.

Amber smiled to his excitement. "Anyway, Aunt Anita, I better get packing." she then said.

"Alright, dear, we look forward to seeing you, we'll meet you at the James residence." Anita told her niece.

"Yes, Aunt Anita, I'll see you soon." Amber nodded. She soon hung up and went to her bag.

"Are Mom and Dad really gonna be there?" Patch asked excitedly.

"Yeah," Amber smiled to him. "You know your parents are best friends with my aunt and uncle."

"Wahoo!" Patch smiled.

Amber hugged the puppy and went with Darla to Hallie and Annie to make the switch. And where they did so by switching clothes. This was it. The big moment of truth. Hallie and Annie reminded each other that they were going to ask why their parents split up and separated.

"This is so exciting." Darla smiled.

"Good luck." Amber said as she stood beside Hallie.

"Same to you." Darla replied as she stood beside Annie.

"This plan is fool proof." Patch whispered.

"Glad I thought of it." Maisy smirked.

"No, it was my idea." Patch glared.

"Well it was my idea to take your idea." Maisy giggled.

"Are you serious?!" Patch glared.

Maisy laughed.

"Get over here, Cat!" Patch poked his head out with a bark.

"No way." Maisy smirked.

"Annie James! Amber Smith! Your car is here!" Marva Jr announced.

"That's us." Amber told Hallie.

"Yep." Hallie nodded.

Hallie and Annie shared one last hug and the group split up.

"See ya soon, Darla!" Amber called to her best friend.

"See ya, Amber!" Darla called back to her best friend.

Hallie and Amber were then in a limo and were being taken to an airport to meet Martin in London. Annie and Darla both had their fingers crossed, hoping this would work.

"Good luck..." Annie whispered.

Amber and Hallie were on the plane going straight to London as. Hallie looked out the window and was amazed to see the sights of the foreign country she was going to be staying at.

"Please like me, please." Hallie whispered to herself, hoping her mother would like her.

Amber gently squeezed Hallie's hand in comfort as they were going to meet her mother. Once they arrived at the airport, they left the plane to see if Martin was there. The girls stood close to each other and looked around.

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