chapter 7

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"Which one is he?" Hallie whispered to Amber.

"He's the butler, so look for a man in a suit who is friendly." Amber whispered back.

"Alright." Hallie whispered.

"Annie!" Martin smiled as he came with a bouquet of flowers.

"'Mawtin'!" Hallie exclaimed with a smile back.

"Perfect." Amber whispered.

Hallie and Martin ran up to each other.

'I hope she memorized the handshake.' Amber thought to herself.

Martin and Hallie then did the handshake which was for him and Annie.

"Whew." Amber sighed quietly in secret relief.

Patch poked his head out and smiled as Hallie was able to do the handshake successfully.

"I can't wait to meet Annie's mother." Amber smiled to Martin.

"Ah, yes, she and your aunt are anxiously awaiting your arrival." Martin smiled back to Amber.

"I had a feeling she might." Amber smiled as Patch came out.

"Oh, hello little fella." Martin smiled to Patch.'

Patch smiled back and gave a quiet and gentle bark.

"He sure is friendly." Martin smiled.

"Indeed he is," Amber smiled back. "So, shall we go then?"

"Come along." Martin told the girls.

They soon went to the limo.

"Ooh, how high class." Patch whispered.

They soon got in the limo ready to get to Annie's house. Amber and Hallie looked out the windows as they saw the wonderful sights of London, England.

"Wow." Amber smiled.

"This is amazing." Hallie couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"It sure has been a while since I've been to London." Patch smiled.

"I know you're ready to see the best dog parents in the world." Amber smiled back.

"I sure am." Patch smiled.

Amber hugged him. Hallie was so excited just to see these sights up close.

They soon saw the house they were going to stay in. The driver opened the door and let Annie and Amber out. "Home again." he smiled sweetly to Hallie.

"Thank you." Hallie smiled back and looked amazed at the sight of Annie's house.

"Wow." Amber and Patch smiled.

"This is it..." Hallie told Amber and Patch. "18 Cumberland Square." she then took a deep breath and went through the front gate to go into the house to meet her mother for the first time as Annie.

There were books and papers on the coffee table in the living room with a welcome banner for Annie. While Hallie and Amber explored, Patch sniffed the air and caught a familiar scent before following it.

"I recognize this scent anywhere." Patch smiled.

Hallie and Amber had met the grandfather of the house as Patch went off. Perdita and Pongo were lying by the fireplace with their front paws on top of each other like humans holding hands.

"Bomb's away!" Patch smirked before playfully pouncing in top of his parents.

"Looks like our son has arrived." Pongo laughed.

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