chapter 18

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"And what am I supposed to do for three days?" Meredith complained to Nick about the camping trip. "Just stay home and knit?"

"Honey, we do have kind of a sticky situation." Nick replied as he packed up the back with Atticus's help.

"Yeah, a twin kind of sticky situation." Atticus said.

Elizabeth hummed as she didn't seem very fond of Meredith herself.

"Excuse me, what is she doing here?" Meredith asked Nick about his ex.

"You see, that's part of the deal," Nick replied. "The four of us and that new puppy, we, go together."

"Along with me and Amber and Atticus and Mo." Darla said as she came out with her duffel bag packed.

"What about Little Miss Duchess of Darkness?" Meredith asked.

Atticus held out his phone to show Cherry on his Skype.

'I'll be there in spirit.' Cherry replied.

"Oh, that makes sense." Meredith said.

"Hello, everything all right?" Elizabeth walked over with a smile.

"Well, no actually it isn't," Meredith replied. "I didn't realize you and these others were going to this little outing. And to tell you the truth, I'm not so sure if I'm okay with it."

"Oh, but didn't Hallie's dad tell you that he and Hallie does this camping trip every year before she has to go back to school?" Darla smirked.

"Oh, Meredith, I absolutely insist you come along with us," Elizabeth then said which seemed to shock Meredith instantly. "Really."

"That sounds like a great idea." Atticus smirked.

"Liz..." Nick chuckled.

"Now honestly, Nick, I've messed up your entire weekend, the least I can do... Really, please..." Elizabeth insisted.

"Great, so she'll be joining along; great, this way we can see how she reacts to the wilderness." Mo smirked as she came out with her own duffel bag.

"Okay, Cherry, we're about to hit the road, I'll send you some pictures in a few hours." Atticus said.

'Ten four.' Cherry replied before signing off of Skype.

"Oh and Annie's mother, I hope you will still join us." Mo said, having a suspicion that she'll try to get herself out of this.

Elizabeth smiled nervously. "Oh, of course..."

"Truthfully." Mo said.

Domino walked up to Meredith with a smirk. "I'm going camping too~"

"Oh, joy." Meredith said through her teeth.

Domino chuckled.

Meredith knelt down and looked dead into his eyes. "You ruined my pumps, you little brat!" she growled quietly.

"Oh, and I might do worse for you for scolding a puppy." Domino glared.

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" Meredith smirked.

"If you hurt me, Mr. Parker might think you're not fit enough to be a new mother to Hallie or a good woman to have with me around." Domino smirked back.

"Oh, why, you little--!" Meredith glared.

"Ah, ah, ah..." Domino warned.

Meredith growled and she decided to just grin and bear it.

"This is going to be enjoyable." Mo smirked.

"Very much." Atticus chuckled as he texted what was going on to Cherry.

In Cherry's bedroom...

Cherry's phone vibrated and she saw what Atticus had texted her. "HA!"

And where she read Atticus's plan that he had texted her.

Back at the Parker's...

"What did she say?" Mo asked.

"LMBO." Atticus replied.

"In English?" Mo asked.

"Laughing My Butt Off." Atticus translated.

"Ohh." Mo smiled.

"Guess she's happy now." Atticus said as he put his phone back in his pocket.

Mo nodded as Nick then came to see if they were ready to go.

"We're ready." Atticus said.

"All right, guys, let's hit the road." Nick said.

"Owch." Domino and Annie cringed as they were not familiar with that metaphor.

"It means let's get going." Atticus told them.

"Oh..." Annie and Domino then smiled in understanding.

They were then saddled up and they were on the road for the camping trip which was part of Hallie and Nick's tradition. The only thing the twins didn't count on was Meredith.

"You think Annie and Hallie are gonna cook up a scheme?" Mo asked Atticus as she lay her head on his shoulder throughout the long ride to the camping ground.

"Possibly." Atticus said.

"What is Meredith doing here?" Hallie asked.

"She's coming with us..." Mo replied as she helped Domino come up to sit in Annie's lap on the ride over to the camping site.

"I thought her name was Cruella?" Domino asked, confused. "Then again, she's changed."

"No, no, no, that's just what we call her," Annie explained to the puppy. "You're safe from that devil woman, but right now, we have to worry about this devil woman."

"Can I pee on her again?" Domino then smirked.

"I don't think that would be wise." Mo said.

"Aww..." Domino pouted.

Elizabeth still decided to stay out of the camping trip while Meredith seemed forced to go along.

"Are you serious?" Mo asked.

Elizabeth and Chessy smirked though as they had a sneaky plan about Meredith going along on the trip. Hallie and Annie then looked to each other and decided to come up with plans themselves about the trip with their new step-mother to get her out of the picture. Atticus drove behind Nick and they were on the way to the camping grounds.

"This will be interesting." Mo said.

"Totally..." Atticus said as she rested against his chest while he drove with his other hand as his free hand was wrapped around her. "Too bad Cherry can't see this, she might actually love it."

"Thanks for letting me come too," Patch smiled as he put his head out the window and his tongue dangled out. "I'd like to see how well the twins and my nephew get along."

"No problem, Patch; besides, I don't want you to miss what they do to make Meredith lose it." Atticus said.

"I'm looking forward to it." Patch nodded.

Mo then yawned and fell asleep while snuggling into Atticus's chest. It took a while, but they finally made it.

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