chapter 13

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After the explanation...

"Interesting..." Anita replied. "I hardly remember Nick Parker, but that makes sense now that you say it like that."

"So now, we have to get them back together before he gets married to an evil woman." Amber said.

"You sure she's evil?" Perdita asked.

"She reminds me of Cruella." Patch replied.

"This lady that's going to marry him is only after his money." Amber said.

"And Annie's told you this?" Roger then asked.

"Yes, Uncle Roger," Amber nodded. "Darla too and I know it's true because Darla said it and she's my best friend in the whole wide world, she would never ever do anything to hurt me."

"And Maisy is there with them." Patch said.

"We see..." Roger replied. "How do you propose to tell Elizabeth?"

"We'll have to have Hallie tell her." Patch said.

"The truth will set you free." Anita recited.

"Yes, Aunt Anita..." Amber nodded. "I know that very well."

"Of course you do, you're a very good girl." Roger smiled to his niece by marriage.

Once they got home, Hallie began to pace around, trying to think how she should tell her mother. She had Cubby at hand since he was her stuffed animal and she always clung to him for support despite her bad girl attitude at camp. Elizabeth was on the phone with someone and was speaking in mostly French.

"Just get it over with." Amber whispered.

"Just do it, sweet pea." Charles agreed.

Hallie took a deep breath and came into her mother's bedroom to spill out the truth to her to get it over with and off her chest. The truth would set her free.

"Oh, Annie, come in," Elizabeth said after hanging up. "I just have to get this sketch finished and sent to Paris. Now how about you and I go out to lunch and spend the rest of the day getting lost in Harrods, hmm?"

"I can't." Hallie said.

Elizabeth curiously looked to her daughter.

"I'm sorry, I have to go out of town today." Hallie continued as she hugged Cubby.

"You have to go out of town?" Elizabeth looked to her. "And where may I ask are you going?"

Hallie hid under the covers, feeling too nervous to tell the truth right now.

"Annie? Annie..." Elizabeth laughed a little, finding this funny.

"But I have to go, I have to go see Annie!" Hallie yelped under the covers.

"I see," Elizabeth smirked, thinking this was a little game. "And where might Annie be?"

"In Napa with her father, Nick Parker." Hallie said in her normal accent with her voice breaking.

Elizabeth soon frowned, now finding this not a game, but Hallie telling her the truth; she looked to Amber, Charles, Roger, Anita, Patch, Pongo, and Perdita. The others nodded to the blonde woman to confirm that this was really happening.

Elizabeth then pulled back to covers to look to her long-lost daughter from California. "You're not Annie..." she then whispered in shock.

"That would be correct." Hallie nodded.

"You're Hallie?" Elizabeth smiled.

"I am..." Hallie said as she sat up in the bed, sounding like she was going to cry.

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