chapter 19

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Atticus smirked as Mo was against him. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty~"

Mo then slowly woke up and looked up while blushing and pulled back once she realized she had been snuggling against him.

"We're here." Atticus said.

Mo smiled. "Great."

Annie and Hallie came to the teenagers.

"You guys wanna go on a hike?" Hallie asked with a smile. "Dad and I know the best trail."

"We're coming along anyways." Atticus said.

"Great!" Hallie smiled. "Come on, Annie, I'll show ya."

"Come on, Domino." Annie smiled down to her new puppy friend.

Domino then hopped out of the car and went behind the twins.

"Coming, Meredith?" Atticus smirked.

"I'm coming... I'm coming..." Meredith replied as she was being extra careful while the others ha no problem going through the trail, especially Hallie, Annie, and Domino.

"Having problems?" Mo smirked.

"Oh, I am gonna kill my trainer..." Meredith grumbled before sitting down on a rock.

"Come on, keep walking." Patch said.

Hallie picked up one rock and smirked as she had an idea.

"There is no way I'm letting a mutt tell me what to do." Meredith groaned as she sat down.

"You don't get out much, do you?" Mo asked.

"Man, and I thought Cherry wasn't the outdoors type..." Atticus scoffed about Meredith.

"Same here." Patch said.

"Why aren't we moving?" Domino complained.

"Meredith needs to stop for a water break." Nick said.

"My trainer says I'm in great shape..." Meredith complained as Annie secretly filled her bags with rocks. "I can't believe people actually do this for fun."

"Dad, we can't stop again, at this rate, it'll take us three years to get to the lake." Hallie complained.

"I agree." Mo said.

"Meredith just isn't used to the altitude, everybody just chill, okay?" Nick told the others.

"Fine." Patch said.

"I'm in serious pain..." Meredith pouted while Hallie and Annie hid smirks to each other.

"We can see that." Atticus said.

"Wah, wah, wah." Mo whispered which made Patch and Domino laugh.

"Need some water, Mer?" Atticus smirked.

"Somebody hand me my Evian, I can't move." Meredith replied.

"What's Evian?" Domino asked his uncle.

"It's like her drink to keep her hydrated." Patch said.

"Ah..." Domino then said in understanding.

Annie was about to give the bottle to Meredith until she spotted a lizard which made her smirk. "Brilliant..."

Hallie snickered once she saw that, but kept it quiet so Nick or Meredith wouldn't bust them.

"Here you go, Mer." Annie handed the bottle to the blonde woman with the lizard on the edge.

"This is going to be entertaining." Patch smirked.

Meredith took the cap off and didn't even say thank you which made Domino mad, but he then laughed once he saw the blonde woman's reaction to the lizard. Meredith's reaction not only made Domino laugh, but also Patch.

Darla and Amber's Parent TrapOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora