To Be Fit

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Ashley's POV:

I opened my eyes to a beautiful sight to my right. There, eyes closed sleeping peacefully was my boyfriend, Mitchell Hughes. I was in his condo where I had stayed the night. I was wearing his shirt and sleeping in his bed. The thought made me smile, and I got up to get ready for the day. My staying at Mitch's house hadn't actually been a spontaneous thing, I had everything I would have in my house right here, including all my yoga stuff. Mitch didn't know I worked out every morning. I was too shy and afraid to tell him because I knew he would laugh at me. That was why I would wake up early in the morning and do my usual workout before he woke up. I headed downstairs and took my mat from my usual hiding spot behind the couch and spread it out on the floor. I grabbed shorts and my tank top from the inside of the couch cushion and pulled it on. I set up my iPod and leaned it against the couch and began. 

A few minutes later, I was doing my bridge. I had finally got the hang of it and was holding it longer and longer everyday. I closed my eyes and concentrated on where I felt the familiar pull in my muscles to see where I needed to stretch more and work on. I counted 5 seconds holding when I felt a warm breath on my face.

"Well what do we have here?" I opened my eyes to see Mitch smiling over me, looking quite amused. I immediately fell out of my bridge but he caught me before I hit the ground. He pulled me up and looked into my eyes. I looked away.

"W-what are you doing up so early?" I asked, embarrassed he had caught me.

"Well," he started, looking more and more amused by the second at the bright red in my face.

"I found a little something behind the couch yesterday while looking for something, and I decided to investigate why you get up so early in the morning." I looked down at my feet.

"Oh." I said. he picked my chin up and forced me to look at him.

"Is this why you don't work out with me? I don't understand, am I too slow for you or something? Why did you want to hide this from me?" he asked, looking worried. Great, I made him upset.

"No, no. That's not it at all. I never told you because...well...I've always been embarrassed because you're so, and I'm...just not." I exhaled, feeling the tears spring to my eyes. I avoided his eyes and  pulled my chin away. He was quiet for a moment until he spoke up.

"Ashley, you're absolutely ridiculous. Yes, I am fit, but you are too. Don't tell me you're not, because I saw your abs when you did that back bend over or whatever it was. And if I had only known you were so flexible..." he trailed off with a mischievous grin on his face. I slapped his chest and laughed.

"Now," he started again after he saw the light return to my eyes.

"Show me how to do that." I raised an eyebrow.

"A bridge?" I asked. Now it was my turn to be amused. I showed him how and helped him position his arms. He got it pretty well, better than I had when I first tried. I was depressed for all but a few seconds about it, until I saw him wobble and collapse. I laughed so hard I fell on top of him. He blushed and grumbled

"You do it." So I did. I got into my regular position and allowed myself to close my eyes. When I did, I felt Mitch bend over on top of me and kiss me lightly.

"Yeah, I like this better." he sighed, placing his hands around my back for support. With his distraction, it was harder to hold and I gave in after about 10 seconds so I could lay down and let him kiss me. When he broke away, he smiled and I did too.

"Now," he said, still smiling. "We go do my workout." he pulled me up and I left my things there, no longer having to keep it a secret.

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