The Livestream Confession

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Mitch's POV:

As usual, I'm running late. The livestream I was doing was supposed to start at six, but now it was 6:30. I quickly finish up my last minute preparations, then I'm ready to go live. Once I am, I set up the cameras so that they can see me and my minecraft, and I tweet out that I'm live. Instantly I see an increase of numbers, which of course makes me smile a bit. I didn't say why I was livestreaming yet, and as I look at the public chat, people are spamming with the same question.

What is this livestream for again? Not that I mind.

I'm glad you're livestreaming, but tell me the reason why please? I fan.

"For those of you wondering why I'm doing this livestream out of the blue, number one it's because they're fun, and number two you'll find out later. Just wait until then." I say, my heart beating a little faster as I remember what I've set out to do. 

"But for now," I continue, joining the Nexus server. "Let's play some Hunger Games!" When my game finally loads, I click on the Survival Games icon in my finder and join Lobby 3. I check my Twitch to see that over 1,000 people are already watching, and the lobby is quickly filled with players. 

"Okay...we're in business!" I say as the game starts. I make my character punch the air around me and run towards the center to get the spawn chests. I quickly equip myself with an axe and start chopping people up.

"Special surprises mean no mercy today!" I yell as I kill two people in a row.


After the game ends, I've won and "collected" over 2,000 bounty. I play two more games after that and lose the second one, but I don't really care. 

"Well that could've gone better." I say as I'm killed during the arena deathmatch on the spot by my own TNT. Just then, Approaching Nirvana's Waiting for the Sun comes on, which is my cue to reveal the purpose of the livestream. I turn the volume up so that my viewers can hear it a little better, and give a quick look at the camera as if to say, it's time. 

"If you believe in love, then we can be together." the song plays through the speakers.

"I have to say, this is my favorite song from Approaching Nirvana's new album. Ashley did a great job in it." I say, running my character around in the game to give my viewers something to look at. I make my face-cam screen a little bigger to direct the attention to my face. 

"So Ashley, if you're watching this, you did good." I say, showing the camera a thumbs up. Just then, as we planned, Ashley comes in through my door.

"Gee, thanks Mitch." she says. We both start cracking up at the lameness of it all, but we both decided it would be the best way to break the news. Or in actuality, we just thought it would be hilarious.

I full screen my face-cam and see the comments blow up with questions. They're going too fast for me to read, so I turn the chat to Subscriber mode only and turn down the speed. I see Ashley walk forward and lean against the back of my chair, putting her arms around my neck. I make the face-cam screen slightly smaller so that the viewers can see my minecraft screen. I go on to playing TimeBomb, acting like nothing had happened.

Jerome's POV:

When Ashley walked into Mitch's room, it made sense why he hadn't invited me to do the livestream with him, or said why he was doing it. I was watching just out of curiosity, but when they started cracking up when Ashley walked in thanking Mitch, I got my answer. I was also laughing at how they announced it, but I was also kind of offended Mitch hadn't told me sooner. I'm happy for him all the same. Now we both had girlfriends.

As I watch him now, I see Ashley whisper something into Mitch's ear that I can't hear, then he turns around and kisses her. Briefly, but enough to make me wonder what she said to him. 

Mitch's POV:

"Well that went well, but I don't know if they really got the message. Do you think we have to say it?" 

After Ashley whispered that in my ear, I turned my head to kiss her. She was taken my surprise, but she blushed and smiled when I pulled away.

"Nope." I said, and she laughed.

I die in TimeBomb, so I decide to scroll through the chat to see people's thoughts. Most of them are saying how cute we are, others are ranting about #merome.

"Glad to know you guys are okay with us, not that it would matter because we wouldn't break up if you didn't, but thanks anyway. Sorry to the #merome shippers, but I'm actually not gay!" I say.

Ashley reads them with me and laughs at a few of them, but then we come upon a rather strange one.

"Oh wait, I stand corrected. Apparently, MrJimCoco (fake username), says 'Come on guys, what if they're faking it? We don't know if this is actually real, and I'm pretty sure Ashley is married so...merome still has a chance. Mitch can't be straight'." Ashley and I both crack up upon reading it. 

"Oh yeah totally, I just kiss my friends all the time and not care what my "husband" thinks. And this totally isn't my grandmother's ring or anything, no, it's my wedding ring that I got when I was married at seventeen!" Ashley says sarcastically. We both laugh and I continue playing. 

I finish up my game of TimeBomb, Ashley messing me up every chance she got, and then I decide to wrap it up. 

"Okay, everyone. Thanks for-" I start, but I'm cut off by Ashley shushing me and plopping down in my lap so the camera can't see me.

"Oh yeah, thanks everyone for watching! This was just a great livestream, and I had so much fun! I'll see you next time guys, goodbye!" she says, putting her face right into the camera. I laugh behind her as she ends the stream. 

When she's sure she's ended it, she turns around and looks at me with a smile on her face. 

"Well, I think that was an absolute success." she says.

"Totally." I laugh and give her a short kiss. We sit there kissing, happy our secret was out. 

"What do we do now?" she asks, pulling away.

"This is good." I say, kissing her again. She smiles and pulls away one last time.

"I'm just glad you remembered to turn screen-shot notifications off." she laughs, and I do too.

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