pumpkin [2]

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I freeze in my spot. Shit. This isn't good.

Mark watches me as I tense up in the fucking comfortable chair. I want to curse out and yell, all hell would break loose if I did, though. Mark keeps staring into my head as he awaits my response. He stops waiting when a ring is heard. Mark clears his throat before answering formally.

My palms are sweaty and my mind is racing as I think of ways to get out this situation. Seeing as Mark is currently busy, and the receptionist said I should make the trip quick, I should head back. I rub my palms on my jeans and hear Mark laugh.

What's with him and being buddy buddy with everyone he talks too?

I quickly try and move myself out of this awkward situation and Mark, of course, notices that I want to leave. Now he's talking and watching me. I stop myself, somehow getting lost as Mark watches me. I notice he bites his lip and lets it go when he starts talking once again. I notice my phone vibrating and I take a look at it.

I text back the person, I re-read my text, to make sure spelling is correct, and send the message. They're immediately responding to my message and the text makes me laugh. And then I look up. Mark winks at me. Or, I thought he did...

Is this some cheap way of flirting? With me? Why is it always me? Why do I always get the odd ones?

"Uh, I'm going now." I whisper as I get closer to his desk. Mark watched my lips and realizes what I just said. He says a goodbye to whoever is on the other end of the line and promises to call them back as soon as possible.

"No you aren't, McLoughlin." He orders me once again. I decide to ignore the orders and move my feet. Why does it seem that he knows everything about me? Mark gets the same idea as me.

He grabs my wrist and I turn around to face him, his presence intimidates me. So much that I take a few steps back like I did earlier. "Stop touching me, Fischbach." I mock back as we were on last name-basis. His mouth falls open a little. Aha. That gets him.

"Make me," Mark challenges back.

"I want to slap you, however, I will be the man in this situation." I get sassy with him and I don't notice a difference with him. He didn't react at all.

I pull my wrist back and give him a cold glare. This wasn't how I imagined this meeting to go at all. Mark changes as he saw what I did and politely says, "let me walk you out then."

I give him a nod to say that I agree and he tries to show me out. Key word: tries.

A knock on his two double doors interrupt us. I look to see a pretty woman with glasses on her face. As almost on instinct Mark moves his hands towards my waist. It was more lower than I usually get touched with guys. I look up towards Mark and give him a 'what-the-hell?' look.

"Oh. Someone new, Mark?" The lady questions, smiling at the two of us.

"I wish, Tara, I wish." I almost snort at the pretty plain name. Who's this? His assistant? I guess I can't complain since my name isn't original.

"I will wait for you in your office, Mr. Fischbach." She told him and Mark doesn't say anything but follows me out. He closes the door behind us and Mark's hand is still low on my waist.

"Stop trying to man handle me, dude."

"Dude? C'mon I was just trying to follow you out like a gentleman." Mark tried to explain himself, and I wasn't impressed.

"What's with you? Especially all the cheap flirting? You think I would fall for someone like you?" I express my feelings whilst avoiding eye contact at all costs.

"You think I like someone like you?" I put my hands on his chest to push him away. Ouch.

"Then you're absolutely right."

"I-um- whoa. I need to go now," I stumble over my words as I find the correct words to say. I never hit the elevator buttons so quickly and as many times as I can before it opens and I hurriedly press the first floor. As the door closes I watch Mark start to take his tie off, with a annoyed expression on his face.

I finally let out a breath of relief as the elevator moves and gets to the first floor. 

My heart races as if I'm running from something creepy. I rush out the doors and passing people I don't know. Somehow I find my way to my car and start to drive back to my college campus.


I slam the door and I'm sure we will get a complaint later, but, I could care less. A head shoots up from the floor as I see Felix watch me breath heavily.

"Whoa, dude. Did something happen? You look as pale as a ghost." He jokes and sounds concerned at the same time. My back hits the door as I slide down the door to hit he floor. I take off my jacket and try to throw it onto my bed, Felix laughs at my failed attempt. My jacket his the floor near my roommate. 

"To answer your question something did happen. And fun fact, I already am a ghost, so." Felix raises his eyebrow at me, just like how Mark did.

I plug my nose as I smell the room. "Ah what the fuck? It smells like weed," I tell Felix, he goes to sit on his bed and crosses his legs, almost lady-like.

"Sorry. Cry was just here along with Ken, you know, stoners and shit." He replies to my question, and I shake my head at him.

"We will get caught," I sang and Felix just smiles at me not saying a word.

"Besides that, what happened back there? At your internship, correct?" He messes with his hair and fixes his glasses on his face.

"Mark Fischbach likes pumpkin." I tell him.


"Mark Fischbach likes pumpkin," I repeat, flushing at the thought of him biting his lip and winking at me.

Was I just dreaming that or was it the real deal?



Haha. I just had to add Felix. Also, sorry if weed bothers you but, hey, it's legal in Washington State, so ;)

It hasn't been 24 hours since I published the first chapter, still, here you go!

Vote & comment to tell me your thoughts and if I should continue ❤️

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