we [4]

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I wasn't expecting Mark to be half-dressed as I made my way through the two huge doors. My head cocked to the side to see Mark buttoning his dress shirt and fixing the cuffs. It was another shirt from this morning, it actually suited him better. Was it the color?

"Stop staring," Mark told me. I raised my eyebrow at him, another order?

"Says the person who basically made a Mean Girls reference earlier." I grumble under my breath setting the coffee down on his glass table and taking matters into my own hands and lay down on his couch. Definitely more comfy than it looks.

"Mean Girls? What is that?" I sit up quickly, ready to ask him where the hell he has been in the past twelve years. I suppose I gave him a dumb look and I had to answer his question as a silence was between us.

"It was a popular movie. Still surprised you haven't heard of it." I try and tell him calmly. Who hasn't heard of the movie, though?

Mark opens one of those doors I was curious of last time I was in this office and to my surprise it was a walk in closet. Go figure. Mark opens a drawer and pulls out a few ties, deciding on one that matches his shirt. Skipping the jacket, or blazer, he quickly ties the tie and out of insecurity I mess with the tie I had on as well.

"Why are you so nervous that you pick up horrid habits? Am I that scary?" Mark leans against his desk. I watch him not seem so worried as he does so, the desk looks so fragile like it could almost break. There is glass, and I cringe imaging the mess.

"I swear everything will be okay. Trust me I'm completely harmless." Mark declared. His brown eyes looked away from me and I noticed I was staring. I lay back on the couch and cover my eyes with my arm.

"Watch out someone may take advantage of you," Mark informs me as he leaned down towards me. I nearly have a heart attack when I move my arm and see him close to me. More like my heart beats faster than usual.

"Who would? You are only here." I said, watching him stand back up straight.


I continue watching him as he takes long strides over to his desk and finally sit in that chair of his. Adding to the mystery he is, he fumbles with the paper work on his desk.

"Are you hitting on me?" I bluntly ask. I didn't have time for dumb questions. I wasn't a teenager anymore, I knew if I wanted to know something I would just fucking ask.

"No comment." Mark replied. I wanted to go over and ask him again but I stopped myself. Getting aggressive may put the wrong idea in his head.

"Fucking hell. I know you are always in the news, hell you're a fucking celebrity, however, I'm not a reporter asking if you are having affairs. I am genuinely curious as to weather you like me. I don't need the wrong idea in my head, Fischbach." Mark looks up from the mess that is his desk and gives me another stupid grin of his.

"Why do you ask, Sean? Want to go on a date or something extravagant?" He uses my real name to get my attention. It makes my blood boil, I hate my real name. I prefer my nickname over my real name any day.

"Extravagant? I prefer going to get Chinese take out or McDonalds if you ask me. Don't wanna waste money," I laugh a bit. I'm talking about spending money with the richest person in Seattle, how crazy this was.

"Never had either," Mark stated. Oh that's true, he probably has a personal chef that plans meals for him. How dense I was to bring it up.

"Money isn't something you should be concerned about, Sean." He takes a sip of the coffee I got him, this time I got a bigger size than last time. Hoping he would enjoy it twice more than before.

"And why is that, Mark?"

"The gentleman always buys for the lady," I roll my eyes. Another ridiculous stereotype that I have a hard time refraining myself to yell at Mark.

"Can't believe you think I would be such a bottom." I tell him watching his lips turn into a smile, his teeth showing as well. "Also, stop calling me by my real name it's quite bothersome."

"Then please call me formally by my last name not my first. I am your boss, Sean. Or would you prefer me formally addressing you?" Mark argues with me in this banter we have going on.

"Whatever you think is best." I pout a bit, still laying there on the couch.

"Whatever you say, baby."

I sit up fast, once again. I feel dizzy by the fast pace I moved at. Before I could respond my ringtone on my phone starts to play. Mark notices as the ringtone is playing very loudly.

I answer without checking who was calling.

"Felix?" I ask. He talks some more.

"Shit- fine. Just don't allow them into our house."

I curse hearing what Felix said.

"Dorm, whatever the fuck." I said, then trying to lower my voice, "please don't let them bring weed. I will literally kill you." I act like a mum, always worrying about everything.

I end the call not taking the time to realize why the fuck Felix called my in the first place. "Weed?" Mark questions me.

"That's what the smell was, that's what weed smells like?" He questions himself and I watch him shake his head at the subject of drugs.

"Your boyfriend?"

"Hardly," I tell him straight foreword, "Felix is just a friend. Jealous much?"

"Maybe just a little."

There was more silence. Until I notice the time and that I'm late for class.

My eyes widen as I stand up and was ready to sprint out the door until Mark stops me. "I was being serious about the date."

"I wasn't," I laugh at him. I was not really interested, only a little. Being late made me agitated and jittery.

"You should meet me for dinner, in a more casual attire," he tries to get me to agree and I brush him off. I tell him a 'whatever' and turn away from him and get to the elevator and press the button rapidly. In hopes that it would make the elevator faster, but it really did nothing.

It wasn't until after class and the next few days I notice I stood Mark up.

How do I face him now?


A/N: tell me your thoughts on the chapter pwease!

Vote and comment for me, lovely <3

Also if y'all didn't know I finally updated my other septiplier fic called 'Offline' please check it out if you enjoy my writing style ^-^

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