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A/N: The plot ball starts rolling!! Before each chapter I will give you a short description about how this chapter will include/go about. Please continue to enjoy! Vote and comment for me :) 

Chapter 11: Mark and Jack go through their own personal struggles. Felix is engaged? Uh-oh, Jack is pissed he didn't know beforehand! Plus, Sean's YouTube channel starts and he is very hesitant to be himself online.  +some fluff before the storm. uwu.


"Here. Just how you like it," Jack murmurs under his breath. He sets the coffee on Mark's glass desk. The window is open and cool air fills the room and makes the room feel amazing. A smile sets on Mark's face when he sees what his other half got him. A small laugh leaves his mouth. 

"You will never stop will you?" Mark asks him while he continues to read over documents and sign them. Jack hums and puts his hands on the desk in front of him and leans. The blue-eyed beauty gets to Mark's level to give his cheek a peck. "Always." He states. 

Months have past and here they were actually dating each other. Life has been so blissful that nothing could ruin both of their days. It felt magical, or dreamy even. Jack watched Mark most of the day and sighs happily when he admires his older boyfriend. 

"I was thinking..." Jack trails off and watches Mark's eyes reach his. He pulls his glasses off and stretches while he is still seated. "What if I start a YouTube channel?" Mark's eyebrows raise before he questions about Felix. "You mean.. like your friend Felix?" Jack nods and Mark gives him a heartwarming smile. 

"Anything for you." 


"This is fucking shit, Mark. How do you watch this?" Jack asks. 

"There is so much you don't know about me, babe," Mark tells him. Jack moves from his spot in Mark's lap and has a confused look written all over his face. 

Jack grins, "please do tell." 

"You don't know how much I make a year, how my past relationships went, how much I like you, or what I do to work out." Jack pouts hearing this. 

"I feel like you know nothing about me either," Jack crosses his arms over his chest and continues to pout. Now he is pulling away from Mark's lap; however, hands stop him. 

"No, no. You're never leaving this spot," his mouth goes to Sean's neck and leaves light kisses. 

"You're such an ass. Wait... what do you mean I don't know what you do to workout? I assumed you workout like a regular person." Everything goes quiet before Jack realizes what he said it totally wrong. 

"Ooooh, I get it. You aren't a regular person," Jack trails off again and its eerily quiet as Mark stares. 

"Not necessarily. I do the regular cardio and strength training, but I also do something you would never think of.... using a pole." Mark states - almost too happy. 

Sean cannot stop laughing and it doesn't stop, it keeps bubbling up and spilling. Mark just rolls his eyes at Jack. His hands go up to Sean's sides under his shirt and squeeze lightly. "I'm serious," he says. 

"Okay fine you got me. That's hot," Sean tells him. Mark was about to say something before Sean's phone goes off. It's a text message. When he looks at his phone it's from Felix. 

"What the fuck?" Sean starts reading over the text again and smashing the keyboard. He starts typing fast before Mark asks him what is up. 

"Felix is engaged?" Jack questions to himself. Angry his best friend didn't bring it up first. 

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