Abusing Myself [14]

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OKAY LISTEN. I know I said I would try getting another chapter out last month it just didn't work out so here we are! College is still shitty so there is that. I'm at midterms and here I am writing a fic. 

I love you guys <3

Chapter 14: Sean confesses his inner demons and asks for help from his best friend while simultaneously ignoring Mark. 


Time passes by slowly. Sean's blue eyes find the bare, white clock on the wall and watched the hands move as each second passes by. Minutes pass by. He tries to focus his attention else where, but isn't successful. Ambiance of everyone talking hits the back of his mind. 

Shut up. Shut up. 

Sean's hand tightens around his coffee. A scary look takes over his face as he tries to have a staring contest with the clock on the wall. He doesn't win. Instead a hand hits the table and bleached hair comes into view. Sean jumps just from the sound and flinches back a bit. Felix has a solemn look. 

"Can you not fucking do that?" Sean spews out in anger. 

"Jesus. You were really out of it and I knew just sitting wouldn't get your attention. What the hell is wrong with you?" Felix questions. 


"Nothing, of course. I invited you to talk because everything is fucking grand." Sean explains with sarcasm. 

"Okay. Okay. Tell me what's going on." Felix finally sits down and takes a sip of his own coffee. 

"YouTube is going okay. I'm gaining like crazy. I have a boyfriend. He doesn't love me." 

Felix almost spits out his coffee and chokes on it as it went down the wrong pipe. 

"What?!" Felix yells. Everyone in the cafe turns to look their way and Sean gives them a frightening stare. They quickly look away. 

"Stop doing that. It'll give you wrinkles," Felix pokes Sean in the forehead and his stare goes away immediately. 

"Also, Mark fucking loves you. Isn't it fucking obvious?" Felix looks Sean in the eyes and his eyebrows raise, almost questioning himself. "When did you guys make it official with a label?" He asks.

"Uh," Sean trails off and looks away from Felix, "that's not important right now." Felix doesn't understand his bashfulness, but dismisses the question. 

"It's very obvious you aren't doing well in the mental health department if you know what I mean, " Felix sips from his drink and stares at Sean as if to say, 'stop putting up a fake smile.'

"He doesn't love me. I know it, Felix." Sean spills out. 

"How do you know? Or is your head just telling you that?" Felix questions. 

"My head." Sean gives a sad smile while looking out the window. Spacing out once again. 

"Okay, buddy. First of all he loves you. You're alive right now. You have a place to live and food to eat. You should probably leave the house more. Workout more. Talk to more people. Isolation isn't anyone's friend." 

Sean gives him a small smile while looking down at the table. 

"I know, yet it's so difficult. Depression has no end. It's annoying and continuous," Sean lets out a sigh he was holding in. A hand goes up into his hair to mess with it out of habit. 

"You really need to dye your hair again. The green is fading," Felix says. 

Sean smiles again. 

"There it is," Felix tells his best friend. 

They both sit in silence while sipping their coffee and listening to the quiet music play over the speakers. Sean eventually sits with his laptop editing a video and Felix is on his watching YouTube videos. It's peaceful. 

Then it isn't. 

"Cry.... hey." Sean calls out to get his attention. Felix curses under his breathe. 

"Hey, Sean. Felix." Cry nods to both of them. 

It's quiet until Sean says, "...awkward." He laughs to himself before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. 

Cry watches him leave and tries to look Felix in the eyes. "So, Marzia?" 

Felix smiles to himself and gives him a quiet 'yes.' 

"I'm sorry, Cry. I know for awhile we had a thing, however; we never had a label. I know that's a shitty excuse... it's the best I can do for now. I love you. A lot. Yes, we had good times, but now I need you as a friend. If you still want to be a friend that is?" Felix lays his feelings all out on the table. It feels good to get it off his chest. Cry almost blushes and looks away in embarrassment.

"Fine. Only if I can meet Marzia and be in your wedding, you dork." Cry looks almost giddy. "Just being by your side is enough for me, Felix."  

"Of course! I would love to have you there." 

"You know my number," Cry tells him before grabbing his coffee off the counter and waves goodbye to Felix. 

Sean finally returns and see's Cry is no where to be found. "Did you scare him off?" Sean asks. 

Felix laughs and tells him he didn't. "Watch out your best man position might be taken," Sean's eyes widen. "As if!" Sean cries out. 

Before they both part ways Felix and Sean take a selfie with their coffee they have left. Felix hesitates when opening his messages. He quickly sends the selfie to Mark with no text. When it finally sent he typed out a message. 

Felix: Give him time. 

Mark starts to type but deletes his message. A frown is evident on Mark's face on the other side of the screen. He notices the bags under Sean's eyes and how dull his blue eyes look. His hair is a mess, yet he's wearing one of the business man's sweater. 

Sean's phone sits in his pocket the entire day. He pretty much never looked at it all day...more like two days. Displayed across his screen when he looks at his lock screen is Mark (45 messages). He locks his phone again and unlocks his car to go back home. 

I'll look at them later.

Felix, when he gets back to his place, opens his phone to see two text messages from Mark. 

Mark: I'm trying. 

Mark: Also, Starbucks. Really?

Felix laughs to himself before covering his face with his hand. 

"Always, Fischbach." 

To be continued.


PHEW. there you go, all the angst you wanted <3 jk i know u don't want it but this is what happens when sad songs show up. 

Hope I can write more soon. Please like and comment what you thought! <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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