25. Jealousy

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Dedicated to @ALIFEYA for her dedication to the story! Thank you so much! :))

  CHAPTER 25 - Jealousy






Ahh, who setted this as my alarm tone? Damn, I hate that song! Really? After the Harlem Shake, the people are going to worry about what the fox says?

Oh, leave the topic away. I have more interesting things to do like...like...like...like. God, I have nothing to do on Friday? Well, that's a good thing. In fact, it's great. I've been so involved with the whole dating thing, school, friends and teenager's life that I haven't have a free day for myself in a long time.

It's all Jade afternoon today!

I entered my bathroom, took bath, got dressed and came downstairs. Dad was sitting on the dining table with his breakfast and newspaper. 

"Morning dad." I chirped. I am happy today too people!

"I know it's morning. Why are you telling me 'Morning dad'?" he asked, confused. Someone teach him the basic words.

I didn't want to spoil my mood so I just replied,"Okay, then good morning dad."

"Someone is in a good mood today." he said, smiling. To be honest, my dad looks amazing when he smiles. No wonder why he was the charmer of his school.

"Yupe, I mean, no school, no Sage, no homework, no nothing! Why won't I be happy?"

He chuckled and got up. He kissed my forehead and said,"But I have to go now. It's not my 'no office' day. Bye Princess. Take care."

"Bye daddy." I spoke.

I love my daddy. No matter how irritating, kiddish or cruel he is sometimes but I still love him. Except from the anti dating thing.

But you know what? Now when I think about dating someone, it gives me goosebumps. I mean, I am almost seventeen and still single. It's a new thing for me. That's the reason I quit the idea of doing the fake dating thing just for Aiden. It's for Sage. But it will still be nice to date the charmer boy!

I jumped on the couch of my room and turned of the television. Ah, morning watching my favourite shows. 

No school, check.

No Sage, check.

Watch t.v, check.

Eat a lot, check.

This definetely the best day ever. And about Sage, she is out on a date with Ryan. Cute! But somtimes I think they don't really make a very cute couple. They look so angry at each other and so...different. Well, don't think about them today Jade. It's your time.



I had an amazingly lazy day today! It's so great to be lazy. Lazy is good. Days like this when you don't have to worry about anyone, about anything and just enjoy. But these days don't last for long because of a thing called grocery shopping. My incredible dad, who I was praising about today morning, is making me go to grocery shopping! 

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