Part 5: Never Love A Wolf (2)

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My vision was dark, I couldn't see anything. My body felt numb, I couldn't feel anything. I felt like I wasn't breathing and dead. It's all cold and all painful, like frostbite but I still could feel pain.

I felt nothing at all.

I wonder why.

Am I dead?


First thing that came into was my ability to feel and sense. It felt great to have it back. I missed it. I moved my fingers and it never felt so hard before to move a single muscle. My hearing came back second. I could hear my own breathe and my own heart beat. This place was very quiet, so tranquil and so peaceful. I enjoyed this too much. I love this silence. I don't want to break the silence like it was just a dream. Am I listening to my own breathe and heartbeat? I could feel warm air blown to my ears and my neck. It was ticklish, yet it felt fine. I struggled to open my heavy eyelids and I wonder why it was heavy. All my muscles, my tissues inside are still asleep I suppose. While I struggled, I felt a palm holding on and pulling me and I felt myself pressed against someone's warm body. It's warm... I wonder who's pulling me.

My heavy eye lids pulled apart from each other and the blinding light burned my eyes. I couldn't see a thing for sometime until it had adjusted into the intensity of the lights. I was greeted by the same clothes the wolf had wore before. The same fragrance and the same pleasant color. It took me a while to understand It was Vivaldi who pulled me into a warm embrace.  Oh how I've missed this warmth and his arms around me. He looked so calm and peaceful in his sleep. He looked so safe, like he was never meant to harm anyone. how could he tell people that he's harmful and why? I don't understand him. He's full of mysteries. I like that. He's interesting. I love that. He's sophisticated and that made my curiosity wilder.

My eyes traced the outlines of his face. Smooth like porcelain. My eyes ran down to his jaw-line... Oh God, 

Oh my God,

 Oh Lord, 


The same 'lips' I had kissed. It's there, slightly opened. I want his lips again. I want to rest my own lips to his. I started to lean in for another kiss when his eyes fluttered open gracefully.

"Hey, you're up." He  spoke, greeting me, breaking the silence I had enjoyed before. I stopped, stunned. My cheeks were burning and I hope my cheeks are not red. But that was something possible won't be happening. "...You're burning, Little lamb." His eyes widened. I felt a soft stroke on my left cheeks that's burning. "O-oh. A-...," I realized one thing. " Why are you in bed with... me?" He's in bed with me and I'm all heated up. "and... why are my clo-... When did my clothes turned into a white plain sleeping gown?" and another thing. 

"About that, I can explain. But answer me first, are you feeling better?" Vivaldi pulled away and sat up at the edge of the bed, pulling and fixing all the creases in one go. "Y-yeah... I am. Just a bit dizzy." My hands reached to the back of my head and rubbed it. I lied. It felt like thousands of heavy containers above my head. "And do explain to me how I end up here and," I pointed the gown. "This." I looked down. It was a nice plain gown, It's not too tight. Just a bit loose on my waist and then I saw something horrifying. My nipples. They're showing. My bra's gone. "Holy Je-, Vivaldi! what the hell- You Wolf, You have to be responsibl-"

"Calm the hell down." he went straight onward and pulled my chin up, his face was less than an inch away from mine. "Chill." 

"I can't chill. Y-," 

"Yes, I changed your clothes and no, I didn't fuck you." he squeezed both of my cheeks with his left palm while the other fixed the loose strap of the gown. His eyes looked furious, but he didn't emit any furious vibes.  "Little Lamb, let me explain and don't cut someone when they're trying to explain something." He growled and received a nod from me. "Good," he retracts away and gave me his sleeveless jacket and I yanked it from his arms, wearing it as he looks. "Your clothes are full of sweat. I had to change them. You're soaking." he grabbed the cup the way someone picked up a ball with one palm and spread-out fingers. "Sweating as in you've been pushed into a pool." ... I was sweating that much? Vivaldi gave the cup to me and the sweet fragrance invaded my nose. It was a simple red rose tea. I remember the scent. Like fresh roses in a bouquet for valentines from my ex I loved too hard. "You felt weak because of me."
He sighed and looked away. "You kissed me 8 hours ago." He brought upon his palm to his chin and sat down on a chair that's facing away. The back-rest between his legs and his arms rest on top of the back-rest. "Recall that?" His expression looked like he was raising on of his eye brow. "Y-yeah. I do. And you kissed back." I stared at him, moving my head to my sides with my shoulders up. "Yeah. I have to be honest, Sweetheart. Your lips taste unique and it's very delicious." He teases and I caught him looking at me from my legs up to my waist then back to my face. My heart got excited. " And you should not do that anymore." He warns me.

"My kisses are lethal."
"But... I'm alive?" 
"Yeah, you are." He looked like having difficulties in explaining and used his hands to gesture circles. "This was the... Well, the first thing that ever happened. Other preys would've died for kissing me that long." His hands retracted and moved on to rub the back of his neck. He was bewildered. I could imagine question marks popping here and there around his head. "Instead of dying, you simply fall into a deep sleep or ... I don't know. You sweat a lot." I'm kind of struck of his explanation. "That's the first, right?" I asked, knitted my eyes brows with curiosity. "Yeah. This never happened before." His hands flee back to his pockets and then he stands up, walking to the cabinet. The way he walks was the same like a human but a bit more elegant as if he's waltzing.

I'm curious. What if I do another kiss? Will I die or I end up sleeping again?

"Vivi." I called.
"Yeah?" he answered.
"Let's give it another try," I was determined to see the results or to know since I won't be able to see but to feel it. "Another... what?" he became perplexed and looked like that guy who when he looks front he looks like confused and adorable but very wild and bold when he looked to the sides. "Another kiss." I stood up and approached him though he moved backwards. Perhaps the wolf's scared because the Lamb's braver that what he had expected. "W-wh-what?" He stuttered his words. Ah, how lovely. Now I'm the dominant since you're playing hard on me, Wolf.

"Another kiss won't hurt, will it?" I slid close to him, putting a finger to his chest. "Besides, You're probably curious of what's going to happen to me, am I wrong?" I smirked like the devil now. He lost his title as the devil. Now it's my turn. I pushed him down to sit at the corner of the bed I was previously in, sitting on his laps as I face him. He looks scared and tints of red shade appeared. Was he blushing...? "You're burning hot now. Is it because of me?" I picked up his nerve I guess because he growled. "Don't," he looked away, trying to push me. "You'll get hurt again." He gave me the look of a puppy and he's wrong to do this for my heart got even wilder and it thumps loud enough for us to hear it. "Well, Wolf," slapping his hands away, I pulled his chin, making him facing me. I was half inch away. I want another kiss from this Eidolion and I won't back away. "Let's cut this talk short and kiss already. Look at you, all red and embarrassed. I've looked into your eyes, wolf. It's full of lust. Deep down I know you want to eat me." I spoke in a way someone would get goosebumps, taunting. "F-fuck. Piss off, Lamb. Y-you-"

"Look at me." I feel bad, a bit. I'm bullying him. Aw, how cute. "...," Vivaldi looked into my eyes and his iris never fails to get my lust's attention. "Yeah?" he called, soft. "Now you're obeying me. You pushed me away earlier and how cute of you to follow my orders now." My tone was playful and he notice. He looked at me sheepishly and then got all sober. "I'm warning you. Don't love a wolf... But I suppose you never listen to anyone, do you?" He whines and then pulled me into a rough kiss. The same feeling came into my head and chest. I feel high.
Again, my arms hung on his neck, his hands on my hips, our bodies pressed and our tongues collided. we're tied up. His tongue felt soft and I opened my mouth further, allowing him to invade me. How slimy and slippery had it become never bothered me. I wanted more and being naughty, I sucked his tongue. He pulls away and bit my lips, pulling it gently before moving on to my jawlines and neck. The soft touch of his lips melted every part of me. His scent, his movements, his kisses, his embrace and his voice had made my lust wild and now it's being satisfied. 

Each kisses on my neck with little presents. Bites or sucking. I allowed him. I know bite hurts, but voluntarily allowing someone to will feel like riding in ecstasy. I whined when he pulled away. He sucked my chest and kissed it and gave me a look that shows definite lust. It's enjoyable. 7 minutes have passed and pulled away. It felt like 4 seconds. How saddening. 

"See? Nothing." I smiled sweetly though I meant 2 other things. Crooked and lust. He looked away and sighed. "Look, this is only an experiment. Never speak of this again." His face was red, I could tell. Then he stood up and ran to the room I do not know. 


I have yet to find out more.



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